12/15/13 – Flockmod 11.07

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Flockmod 11.07 is out!

Changes are:


Improved custom brush lag in rooms at the expense of more lag for the client who uses it when they load it.
In other words, custom brushes will lag rooms less, but will lag the users who load them more when they load them.


Fixed issues with bad custom brush lag while drawing with a complex brush and a tablet.


Fixed major lag issues when you change size, alpha, or blur with a custom brush.


Fixed angular and incremental mode brushes, also fixed random mode brushes not syncing properly.


Custom brushes can now be disabled by the room owner.


Added status messages with /status <message>


Added client side chat ignore with /ignore <user> (Or you can right click their name in the userlist and click ignore.
Use /unignore <user> or right click unignore in the userlist to unignore.
/unignore without a user will unignore anyone you have ignored.


Alpha in color preview can now be toggled on or off in the config settings.


Gallery added to the site and integrated with flockmod’s save.
You can turn this off in settings if you don’t want to use the gallery.


Help section added to the site and the app.


News section added to the site and the app.


Link to home page added to the app.



We hope you’ll enjoy the changes!



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