4/23/14 – Flockmod 11.10

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Flockmod 11.10 has just been released.


Here is a quick list of changes, we may update this post shortly with an easier to read version.

Changes in this update (v11.10):

  • Added mirror mode for rooms.
  • Darkening the background after opening a dialog (like a modal dialog) to focus user’s attention.
  • Changed chat font since some special characters weren’t showing so some users seemed to have invisible names in the chat.
  • Added dragbar that lets you resize the chat to any height you like
  • Moderator messages have now their own sound
  • Fixed behavior of the zoom slider
  • Your username will be colored when someone mentions you (also, a PM sound will be played)
  • Fixed text not hiding when muting a user.
  • Colorpicker won’t pick colors from hidden layers anymore.
  • Fixed own cursor switching side when near the right edge.
  • Fixed undo sometimes not showing the preview of the actual picture that is going to be undone.
  • Fixed username hiding when your mouse cursor is out of the board but your brush cursor is not.
  • Rebuilt userlist context menu so all options fit.
  • Fixed ‘multiple selected layers’ bug.
  • Added events when someone is promoted or demoted.
  • Pepperbell brush has now a square-shaped cursor (like blur).
  • Changed user level colors.
  • Some other visual improvements and small fixes

Server-side changes:

  • Moderators cannot kick higher ranked users
  • Fixed user registration limit not working

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