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Tomte: Do I really have to explain this again. A little girl called Joropaur posted her image in the chat, in the link it said makeagif, I read that quickly and thought it said Maka. The user who at an earlier point had laughed at a picture of me from years ago, the picture of me that leaked that forced me to post tons of new images of myself. So I said hahaah pimples as I saw the picture. I quickly realized I had laughed at a 13 year old girls face. So I apologized by complimenting her picture and drawing her portrait.

As you can see it's a quickly drawn portrait, then I added a body in a few seconds for fun. Joropaur got all crazy which is understandable and ever since that time she kept on saying "hai tomte" every time I logged into the room. She kept on saying "hai Tomte" and at some point she shamed me just like you are doing now with this picture, so I had to explain it all again. But she kept on saying hi tomte so at some point as I logged in I just said "you do know you're sexy right" just to see her reaction and of course she went crazy and had to post it in the chat so I had to prove to everyone I'm not a pedophile, I argued my case very convincingly that time as I'm doing now.

I AM NOT attracted to little girls and I'm for castration of any person who rapes another person or has sex with people who are underage. Now get off my back and go after the true pedophiles who stalk this site, all those pony men.
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garfeldthecat: ok this is fucked up even if it was a joke
-1 naughty
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Tomte: @garfeldthecat: You know I can't help but to point this out but. Isn't this like totally fucked up and naughty?

Yes do you agree with me, it's like sick right? ------------------------LONG PAUSE-----------------------

(When people show GREAT dislike towards something and there's nothing obviously sick with the picture or what's going on in the picture, for example a naked person, nothing sick with that right. When a person still feels it's necessary to point out the sickness in a decent picture, it says more about them than it does about the person who drew the picture.)

You didn't down vote my naughtiness Garfeldthecat, you down voted the naughtiness you projected onto the picture. It's possible to draw a naked person and not be attracted to the person even if the person is healthy, if you don't agree then you're the perverted one, because that would mean that you look at the peeing baby and is like, that' sexy...ohh but I would be a pedophile if I expressed that so I better make sure EVERYONE knows I'm not a pedophile and demonize the guy who made the sculpture. Phew, I'm safe...

If the picture isn't obviously suggestive like almost every pony and manga drawing on this site, OBVIOUSLY suggestive, then you're simply a pervert for pointing out that you perceive the picture to be "naughty and fucked up", what the hell is naughty and fucked up about a peeing baby? Could you imagine how naughty mommy and daddy would be for changing their baby's diaper? Jesus christ that mommy or daddy is like sick in the head right?

Everyone in this world doesn't look at animals, which we are through the (hmm could this be my future husband or wife) lens. Now yes the picture I drew above, since it's of an actual person on this site could be perceived to be suggestive, or my intentions could be sick. But since I've already explained to you the context in which the drawing was drawn and you still think it's naughty, then I'm afraid you just labeled YOURSELF stuff.

In hindesight I regret ever drawing it, it's definitely not appropiate for a 23 year old man to draw a portrait of a 13 year old girl. But as I said I don't even think of people through your lens, YOUR LENS. ;)
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Tomte: In other words:
How true pedos would interpret the picture above:
"I'll be good waifu to you senpai"

How people like myself interpret the picture above:
"I'm an impressionable little person who absolutely does not deserve to be told that I'm ugly."

Screw you for making me even imagine how a pedophile thinks, sickening.
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jew: Once again we see Tomte's hypocrisy and closeted pedophilia showing.
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garfeldthecat: S@Tomte: stop being so full of yourself, anyone in their right mind would find it disturbing that a 23 year old would draw a portrait of a 13 year old, naked just to provoke her, not just me.
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garfeldthecat: im turning 12 soon and i dont giv u permision to draw me
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Tomte: It's not right that I the person MOST against pedophilia on this site have to defend myself against such accusations. There's nothing that makes me sicker than pedophilia except maybe when gangs of thugs gang up on good people for being good people or "privileged". Which happens all the time in real life. For example just the other day I heard of a blonde young girl sat on fire in a black neighbourhood in the US, that kind of pisses me off. If it was a black young girl put on fire in a white neighbourhood it would still piss me off, for some reason that never happens. But the mentality of those people who put her on fire, they think of themsleves as victims or whatever, stop burning innocent little girls alive, stop decapitating or stoning gays and women. Stop being such fucking animals.

Gardfeldthecat I agree with you, but you've got to realize three things:

1. This is a drawing site, it's hard to tell by words alone how old someone is, I was told after the picture was drawn.
2. I wouldn't look twice at a 13 year old, I wouldn't be speaking to you either little garefeldthecat if I would have seen any of you in real life. Not looked twice on you in fact, you're not interesting in any way. I think there should be licenses for the internet, like we have licenses for cars, this drawing site for one isn't being used properly, garfeldthecat I think you should go together with Joropaur and your little scratcher gang and build a treehouse instead of hanging around on this site, that's what I did your age.
3. I would never have drawn her portrait if I didn't feel guilty for by accident insulting her picture. I have never insulted peoples pictures on this site, even when rvg the brony had a video of himself lying naked in bed with a hairy chest licking in between his fingers towards a little girl on webcam I said something very mild like, a bit hairy...

Thinking back at what other pictures of people I've drawn, they've mostly been insulting. Goderek one user sat on a toy horse and I took him into photoshop and removed his clothes, he's my age and I definitely didn't do it because I was attracted to him, just good fun. Myth an 18 year old girl had a relationship with someone who called himself classynigger and sent nude pictures to him. Classynigger later for whatever reason chose to spread these images around to people (classy) so the harm had already been done. I made a sculpture from the pictures and had her hold a pencil. Not because I was attracted to myth but because it was fun and good practice. I have also turned Zark a guy my age into a midget more than once and myth I also once drew into a little midget. Other than that I haven't made any naked drawings on this site.

As of the moment I'm writing this I can't think of a single person on this site that I find attractive, not a single person that I enjoy speaking to or would like to draw with. I'm on this site hoping that such a person might pop up or that any person comes forward and want to improve at drawing and not mess around as they currently seem to be doing. Until such people pop up I only enjoy being critical against peoples behaviours or drawings. That is quite fun, there's not another person on this site as much against pedophilia as I am so trying to brand me a pedophile is no doubt nothing but a good attempt at trolling. As I said in the comment earlier, intentions matter, if you saw a person changing the diaper of a little baby wiping it's little butt and you didn't know in which context this video had been shot you could interpet it to be pornographic or of a pedophile. But context matter, intentions matter, I am definitely not a pedophile and forcing me to think of myself in such a way is sick. I think it might be equivalent to calling a young girl who is being nice to people a slut everyday at school, it's not very nice to shame people who have nothing but good intentions.

And Jew I would like to see you explain this picture you drew as well as I explained the picture I drew above:

I'm looking forward to that, sad troll.
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Tomte: SCREW YOU I'm not a pedophile piece of shit.
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Tomte: Oh and btw sending false tips it's the equivalent to phoning the fire department when there's not an actual fire, if you actually sent that "tip" you could get in trouble.
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Tomte: And if that report is taken seriously what's more likely to happen is that they investigate the site and after entering most of the rooms on this site they'll find many actual pedophiles and hopefully contact the site owners and rid of us all the pony men and sickos.

You might have done everyone a service catsrcool.
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Tomte: Oh and another thing, I never said Joropaur was attractive, the first thing i said was "pimples" because I thought the picture was of a user that had insulted me earlier. Then I made up for it by complementing her, I dare you to find another woman on this site that I have complimented for her appearance. I remember ages ago Myth said something akin to I'm so ugly while there was some drama going on in one of the rooms. Then I said no you're not, that's as far as that goes.

There are others on this site far worse than me on every level, people who in fact draw porn daily. I must admit I'm quite offended by this, I did not upload this picture and the body is imaginary. I am not attracted to children and I haven't talked to this user in the portrait above since months. Never had any private conversations, never asked any personal questions and frankly I'm not interested at all, AT ALL. I'm argueably the user most upset by pornographic drawings especially of people that appear underage.

Catsrcool your report is serious business, I did send you a personal message asking you if you actually did report me for this in which case I'll have to do one of the following things:

•Contact the FBI offices in Stockholm or Copenhagen and explain the situation. Why I'm on a site such as this and why I ended up drawing a portrait of Joropaur.
•Talk with your parents or superiors because as stated on the FBI website:

"The information I've provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could subject me to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001)."

So I'll have to sort this out with your parents, if there is going to be any legal repercussions. I'm not sure how this situation arose, it's all very unfortunate but I expect a response from you in the next 24 hours. Now if you never reported me and your post is just some cruel joke, it's not funny and quite insulting. I AM DEFINITELY NOT A PEDOPHILE.
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loopv: lol its still here, 4 years already.
joropaur already adult now, too bad tomte
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Tomte: A laughing pedophile, unsettling. Go play in traffic freak.
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Ionsfu: 'ur a pedo' 'nuh uh no u'