
Tomte: Would venezuela be the country it is today if we replaced... >>>
Tomte: There's no point in discussing it, look at Venezuela. >>>
Tomte: Nobody knows so, why would you make a distintion between... >>>
Tomte: What species is this? Is... >>>
Tomte: No no no, a "diverse" lion would be a south... >>>
Tomte: be quiet nerd >>>
Tomte: Google isn't using it in a sentence, what do you... >>>
Tomte: pedophile >>>
Tomte: Did you mean to use this ; and not this : ?? The first... >>>
Tomte: Stop giggling nervously, even if it's appropiate. >>>
Tomte: I found loopv's gallery. >>>
Tomte: Why is that so upsetting your kind draws horse porn... >>>
Tomte: You're not bipolar, you're blibloobili and... >>>
Tomte: >>>
Tomte: I have no idea who you are but I know your mother intimately. >>>
Tomte: I'm going to tell your parents about what kind... >>>
Tomte: It's ok to have fantasies but to try to actualize... >>>
Tomte: A grown man who wants to be collared like a dog and... >>>
Tomte: I drew Muhammed naked in front of his nine year old... >>>
Tomte: These drawings are as much jokes as you drawing yourself... >>>
Tomte: No I took it as, some guy on here thought it entertaining... >>>
Tomte: I think what you're referring to is one of those... >>>
Tomte: Cap_tan did you know that you evolved from something... >>>
Tomte: From your animal gore collection? Animals stuck in... >>>
Tomte: This cracks me up, it's soooo good, stupid pony... >>>
Tomte: After that pony is done with you, you'll be a... >>>
Tomte: Ginea pig wants to make sure everyone knows he didn't... >>>
Tomte: Ha ha. >>>
Tomte: For all the pony men out there. >>>
Tomte: lol i just had a funny idea, stay tuned bronies >>>
Tomte: Me "trolling" you is going to be the death... >>>
Tomte: This is fake and a bit gay. >>>
Tomte: What are the brown things on top of the white stuff,... >>>
Tomte: ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../... >>>
Tomte: Do you have a portfolio of your best artwork? >>>
Tomte: Yes, go back to your barn pony man. >>>
Tomte: F- >>>
Tomte: I tried to edit this image but the further I got into... >>>
Tomte: A quick edit just so you see where the errors are at. >>>
Tomte: Indeed >>>
Tomte: Yolo >>>
Tomte: I'm working on something similar to that dress,... >>>
Tomte: Oh yes sorry I forgot it's a site for child horse... >>>
Tomte: King_DeDeDe go back to playing with your rubber duck... >>>
Tomte: As a foreigner of the usa it's not really none... >>>
Tomte: The... >>>
Tomte: Be proud of yourself... >>>
Tomte: What is lewd about underpants, ever been to the beach? >>>
Tomte: I don't believe you, prove to us that you're... >>>
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