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Cyberbot: So, I've met trashboy again and talked for a few minutes, he assumes I've never changed for the past YEAR, he hasn't seen me for the past MONTH, I have in fact changed and improved my confidence. For one I'm not angsty, sometimes it's just a joke sometimes it's for a reason,which are; family death, arguments that split up my family, and yeah--. I have a reason, not a lie. so for you people who assume I've never changed, I have, for you who think I'm angsty and an asshole, okay- partially but not fully, trashboy and abc are doing this to me because of last year, they give no reason, and for a matter of fact- there is no actual proof he watched me be who I am in other rooms, other wise I'd see a suspicious anon, his user, or see him say "ew it's cyber". also, for you all who are reading this, please don't judge how a person is if you never had contact w/ them or seen them for a certain amount of time, you can't just judge the person right off the bat... this is what trashboy did. Please be nice to others, I don't wanna see another argument or insult again, I've already experienced enough of this shit.
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Cyberbot: That person says I should leave? I want HIM to leave, he's a fucking jerk excuse me-
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no_name: cyber, I have a good amount of people who HATE MY GUTS, and the reason why they don't like you is because you keep complaining about it, that's what everyone said to me atleast, so forget this and go on in life fam :)
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no_name: actually. you conplain about this daily, nobody likes you because YOU DONT STOP, I supported you, but it seems like you don't shut up about this bullshit, so if your gonna leave then leave, or change your freaking behavior child, okay bye.
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Cyberbot: @no_name: okay listen you fucking arse, I'm doing this for a fucking reason because people are assuming things when it's not true,like I said, you can't change my decision, I don't care a single shit about the fucking posts I'm just pissed by the needed hate on this website. I need YOU to stop complaining about me putting the posts, I'm doing this for one reason and one reason only, to have these people stop this shit, it's starting to dumb down my confidence and really is making my decision not to change. so YOU need to shut the fuck up YOU need to stop complaining too and YOU have to start helping if you want this/me to stop posting this or stop complaining.
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Haugkall: You've got to cure cyber with kisses and hugs, stop giving him a hard time.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: People won't stop things if you keep acknowledging it, they clearly want to get on your nerves and piss you off or make you upset, idk what they've been saying about you, and honestly I don't care, just ignore the assholes and it will just pass like a cold, but it will stop eventually. (And god please don't take this the wrong way, I just wanted to get my 2 cents in, and now I have, reply if you must but there is a 50/50 chance I'll reply, thank you for reading.)
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Cyberbot: @TheHeadlessHoodiesman: true- but the thing is- I'm not acknowledging it, this has been happening for a straight 2 weeks and it hasn't stop, the person won't stop bothering me is the problem, I'm trying my best to ignore it but it's gotten to the point where I just have to at least respond or stop it and it hasn't worked-
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: I would suggest take a break from flockmod completely for a couple days and come back, maybe start hanging in private rooms with friends and just completely ignore others aside from obviously friends.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Friends obviously"
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no_name: im sorry... that day I wrote that comment I was getting annoyed by everything... im sorry... Ill help you...