Haugkall: Forerunner have you thought this through? These yaoos as far as I know are drawn, that means you couldn't possibly be an uke. Except in your dreams, they're usually bushing underage boys right? That seems to be the case from the pictures people have posted on here. What kind of man or boy for that matter would openly confess to wanting to be a blushing boy who is being taken advantage of?
They do say a land is only as great as it's citizens and the citizens are only as great as what rules of conduct they've agreed to follow. Even if you want to be a blushing boy at the edge of his tears while some older woman is woman handling you, you would do well to not reveal or speak of this openly. Since that might tempt other people to give in to their more primitive urgeses. You don't want to grow up to become the next loopv right, it's crucial now that you have reached the ripe age of what, 13? That you go and actually talk to girls or kiss them and not get hung up on these manga fantasies. A friendly word of advice to all yaoi people, but in particular to the men since they're more visually oriented. Don't become loopv or those other people on here that draw these god awful cartoons!
no_name: welp i just posted this because its a collab, this was a god damn base, i was having what you call "fun" and i was being myself, cant fucking post stuff like this without getting huge comment about stuff of how people hate it, you know, i have anxiety and suicical thoughts everyday, and this, this to get a hate comment, its just a collab, stop.
Haugkall: By god awful cartoons I didn't mean your drawing no_name, it's fine. As for your depression, think of the brain as a tummy that needs healthy food. If you feed it mangas, strange youtube personalities, rappers and other less than ideal ideologies you're bound to be depressed, I know I would be.
Instead feed it romanesque architecture, classical art/litterature and relaxing music, then you'll soon be rid of your depression. But then it will be so much more apparent how awful the rappers are and if you dare say it, you'll be called names like a racist white bitch or words to that effect. But it might be worth trying, beats being suicidal I'm sure. And thank you for your kind words.
no_name: i thought if i said anything haugkall would kill me, i actually was REALLY wrong, haugkalls nice, you know what, everyone who says hes bad is just being a idiot, or its just that my mind is focused on that if one more bad thing happens it might be the end for me, or its just that my mind is wacked.
They do say a land is only as great as it's citizens and the citizens are only as great as what rules of conduct they've agreed to follow. Even if you want to be a blushing boy at the edge of his tears while some older woman is woman handling you, you would do well to not reveal or speak of this openly. Since that might tempt other people to give in to their more primitive urgeses. You don't want to grow up to become the next loopv right, it's crucial now that you have reached the ripe age of what, 13? That you go and actually talk to girls or kiss them and not get hung up on these manga fantasies. A friendly word of advice to all yaoi people, but in particular to the men since they're more visually oriented. Don't become loopv or those other people on here that draw these god awful cartoons!
Instead feed it romanesque architecture, classical art/litterature and relaxing music, then you'll soon be rid of your depression. But then it will be so much more apparent how awful the rappers are and if you dare say it, you'll be called names like a racist white bitch or words to that effect. But it might be worth trying, beats being suicidal I'm sure. And thank you for your kind words.