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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: *Inhales sharply* Poor Marcam he barely knew him but Kirk grew so attached to Marcam in that time only for them to be torn appart so soon, I can imagine how attached Mariam was.. And likely still is,

But don't lose hope guys, I maaay or may nooot have more plans for the future.

But still I'm actually sad he's gone.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: ((Why tf does it keep putting Mariam..))
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Haugkall: Why turn a troll/devil figure into a sympathetic character? Are you suggesting it's not good to judge a book by it's cover, is Marcam similar to the Shrek character? All fiction should be imagined in such a way that it gives us a good framework on which to model ourselves. Why idealise a fat ogre couple and their band of rapping lunatics? Why suggest a hairy, horned devil is capable of being a sensitive thoughtful person? Either he's a reflection of who you are or you have nefarious intentions and try to mislead and destroy the minds of impressionable youngsters. But what's more likely is that you're oblivious to what you're doing. You can still make amends to your bullshit by drawing Marcam in his natural habitat. Deep beneath the earth where his hatred of virtue fuels the fires that cause his every pain, he curses the world in which he was born and exclaims: RACISTS!
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Haugkall: Screw Marcam and all the devils let's instead appreciate the ancestor spirit.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Haugkall. How about this..
Shut the hell up.
For the fact you don't know anything about this character( correct me if I am wrong) is a good reason why you should not have
Yes a demon can have feelings aside from fucking anger and all that cliche demon crap.
But cmon this character has story to him hell he isn't even a demon anymore as far as I am aware.
People have different opinions on what they find entertaining to write and draw, but not everyone should draw what everyone else wants them to draw, I don't tell you what the hell you should draw or write, now do I.

Now I've made my opinion, I give zero shits if you disagree right now.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Also I get the point you are making about putting demons on a higher pedestal and that's wrong.
But many artists that draw demons ARE christians and don't worship Satan, they just want to try to understand the demons point of view, if you catch my drift here.
(I will admit we are likely making demons way to attractive then we should but you know.)
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: You just love to shit on everyone else and I'm sick of it,
Some things I've agreed with in your statements but the rest is clearly you trying to be a dick covering it with some decent critt.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Again correct me if I'm wrong.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Ok now I'm done.
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Haugkall: Don't you know the difference between humans and animals? Humans are very good at imagining things that aren't real. We use our imagination to predict or plan our future, something animals are unable to do. That is why they don't suffer from anxiety at the prospect of a shitty tomorrow. The purpose of art is to illustrate how nice or bad things could be. By drawing Marcam you're suggesting bad is good which in the long run might come to hurt even me. Put Marcam in hell with his homies where he belongs.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Art can also show something like a demon having sympathy
Or idk an angel feeling annoyed by someone,
A cat walking on two legs, a human on all fours,
A bottle of soda secretly being poisoned,
Or soda being in a poison bottle, you are litteraly saying to only stick to one path for how it should be, art is thinking outside the box, and showing others your perspective on things, not just to " Illustrate how nice or bad things can be".
Am I wrong?
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: I get it's not particularly wise to illustrate something considered evil as appearing nice when likely not,
But artists do that all the time, some even the other way around.
Maybe you should think about that a bit before you jump on a reply.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: But not everything NEEDS a reason to be created, like Marcam here, hilly was probably reading the Sunday funnies drinking apple juice and just doodled a man and thought,"Hmm wonder what he'd look like as a demon" and just carried on from there.
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Haugkall: People enjoy thinking of caring demons, healthy fat people, intelligent blacks, nice ogres, civilized muslims or anti heroes for different reasons. A story of redemption, a monster turning into a prince, a mortal man turning into a god but by what means? Not by hugs, you don't raise a child by hugging it to death whenever it's playing "rip the legs off small animals." You've got to shame it, scold it, even destroy it. This is to an extent applicable to children, but not to older people. That is why hell is a nice idea, eternal shame with a chance of salvation through purgatorian fire.

If the person who invented Heracles would treat the character as you treat Marcam then he would not go on a heroic journey and fight monsters to make amends for killing his family and eventually become a god. Instead he would be rewarded with hugs and kisses from a naive fool despite being a murderer. I have noticed this is a common pattern among women in particular, Harry Potter. Let's take the dorkiest nerd and have him fight the most masculine, intelligent and powerful villain we can come up with and win with the help of love and a gay headmaster. What would the masculine equivalent to the Harry Potter books be, lord of the rings maybe. Is it a coincidence a lot of girls obsess about Harry Potter but not Lord of the rings in which the sides are painted in a very black and white manner, definitely not.

This is why women needs to be reigned in when it comes to politics and even raising children. Yes we know you're really good at breast feeding and making fart noises on peoples tummies but try keep a tap on it and save it only for good people and if you can't distinguish between virtuous people and shitty people sit the fuck down and be quiet. Stop trying to convince people that bad is good or vice versa, it's getting old real fast. Stick to the sleeping beauty formula when you want to imagine romantic stories or characters.

HillyTheSlime, J.K Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Harper Lee sucks.
Dante Alighieri, J.R.R Tolkien, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Alexandre Dumas rocks.
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That_Guy: lol
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Ok woah woah woah hold the hell up, are you calling black people fucking stupid and women not be able to make a heroic and "badass" story? Are you serious?? You are really shitty at trying to make a point without being a complete asshole,
I personally know a black girl and she isn't fucking stupid, I'm a girl and I believe I come up with quite the interesting plots,
Have you even met any women aside from like two in person?
And where the hell did that even get brought the hell up with women and politics Haugkall?!
You just LOVE drama don't you? Just spitting on people for what they like,
Yes some things are wrong, and shouldn't be treated like a good thing but this is FICTION
It isn't real life god dammit.
And FYI I know a lot of women who love lord of the rings thank you very damn much,
Including myself.
Dont bother replying because I refuse to carry on this very rude and highly insulting conversation any longer,
Good day and merry fucking Christmas
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Haugkall: Headless indeed and for the record, you don't write good plots and the only thing you like about lord of the rings are cute actors, goodbye moron.
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TheHeadlessHoodiesman: Bye Felicia.
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Cyberbot: not trying to be rude but- git fucking rekt
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That_Guy: Holy fuck Haugkall! That last comment was fucking brutal. hahah
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Haugkall: We're just having fun, no hard feelings.