Vin_here: My life really sucks so I was in my room just chillin there and my ASS FATHER he was angry bc of my lil brother and there were in a fight and my lil brother just goes out side and he’s gone for like an hour rn as soon as my lil brother goes outside my FATHER who is a annoying bi- just goes outside and said some thing very loudly IT WAS SUPPER LOUD AND MY neighbor heard it and I was VERY EMBARRASSED yk IM IN JAPAN AND JAPAN IS VERY QUIET IM REALLY EMBARRASSED RN HELP- I wish I was ded rn bc of my ANNOYING AHH FATHER NAH NAH RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHDDDMVVNBDFVJHBDFVJHBDFVJHBDFJHBVDJHFVB DMCNSKNSKDJCBKJSDVJHBDJFHVBJHBJHBJHBDFVKJBJHBJKDFBJVHDFBHBFVJBVBVBVBVBVBVBVB
Citrusez: 1. :o Japan is so pretty. 2. I don't think I know you but I hope you get better, I hope that one day you can be happy and life is to short to be sad! do something out there that makes you happy! Even if its something small.