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Uploader Chahinak,
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Chahinak: Ignore this image but I have some things to say.
Hello, you know me, maybe. So recently I got in trouble after my sister found my hidden art tablet and told my mom. (I hid my art tablet because I got and I quote "Grounded"???) My sister is also sick, and for some GOD FUCKING SHITTY REASON she choose to FAVOR HER only because of that. She literally is allowed to go on my art tablet and I can't (It has apps on there.) And whenever she uses my mother's phone and it's dying, she's like "CHAHI! CHARGE MOM'S PHONE NOW!" And even though I wasn't on it last, she still forces me to. When I ignore, she just GIVES IT TO ME. My mom yells at ME for not charging her phone when it's my SISTER who should be the one to do that. Her excuse? "I'm sicckkk! My back hurts!!!" It's so simple to something at least...currently, she's scrolling through my TikTok account and my friends accounts. In my opinion, for a 12 year old she is SO SELFISH and she also is a hypocrite. I don't know why, but she complains that she gets bullied at school, but she really, and I mean really likes to pick on me. It might be just sister stuff, but she ALWAYS gives HER responsibilities to me. It's always: "CHAHI! CHAHI! CHAHI!". It might be just me. She says "Ohhh I have anxiety! My crush might not like me! I'm soo depressed!" But yet, i'm the one who actually had, key word: HAD anxiety and depression. (Went to a behavior/health hospital.) I gave her so many chances, but she doesn't get the hint to the point it just annoys me. My parents are always getting mad at me. ME. She always gets the praise. She has SOOO many friends, here I am with very few (Talking about irl.) friends, and I'm STILL sitting on the sidelines, the outcast, the "quiet" kid that barely gets attention. Don't worry guys, I'm fine and okay so there isn't any need to worry about me because I can handle it. A lot of you guys are my comfort space, you make me happy, you inspire me, and you are just there for me. Thank you for reading. Sincerely, Chahinak.
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Chahinak: Typo: My mom chose to FAVOR HER*
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Chahinak: I'd also like to say, the possibilities of me being online a lot is very low.
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timewstr: hope ur alright chahi, wishing u the best in this situation