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Source Rant about the Sofialala drama
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Chahinak: I want to address this real quick about the disgusting drama going on in this website.
So far as for I’m concerned, there is a narcissistic user named Sofialala who keeps trying to post and say false allegations about ImAMinor:3 and a bit of Vin_here too. I would like to say, the more you respond, the more the drama grows. It is like, and even just most likely ‘The Butterfly effect’. The things I’ve seen are absolutely awful, absurd, and disgusting. Even though I have been trying to calm down and stop the situation, it keeps growing. Everyone needs a break. It doesn’t even matter what she says or does anymore because nobody is going to believe her. Most of us are on Minor and Vin’s side. There is no point on continuing the drama. The negative things that she says should be ignored. Let her hate on you, we all know she doesn’t even know how to properly draw. Heck, she’s probably a 10 year old. If she is going to continue this, just go ahead and ask Auto to ban or kick her out of the website if they can. I have nothing to do with the drama, but I think it is still responsible to try and stop it. Sofialala needs to stop and apologize to Minor. It was her fault, not theirs. It’s actually getting annoying at this point, so please, stop. Sofialala is selfish and will always be selfish. Ignore her. I will try my best to calm down and maybe stop the situation.
Thank you -Chahinak
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Chahinak: She is childish and immature. Ignore her and that is final.
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PartyCat: Chahi you COOKED1!1!!1!1 Hopefully people read this
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timewstr: I hate this drama, honestly no doubt about it. Also, as far as I’m concerned, I think she used alt accounts to vote down my post on how I wasn’t in the best mood and on a post on how I wanted the drama to end, but I could be wrong. I just want this whole drama to be over with…
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Vin_here: @timewstr: Yeah someone vote down my upload and I really think it’s sofialala she’s really mean idk what happened to her
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Vin_here: She said rude things to me and that word can’t get it out my head she said I’m a “useless kid” and I’m not a kid it’s Sofia’s fault that it made me really sad fr I want her to be gone from this website why is she even on this server I’m sick of her she made me wanna quit drawing on this website. FUCK THIS DRAMA. sorry if I said it to much and sorry if I’m not right…
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PartyCat: @Vin_here: don't let a immature ragebait user make you quit,you are smart and Amazing at drawing a lowkey if she wanna fight then she'll fight herself in a mirror and get grounded by her parents!
anyways don't let the drama make you quit,if she Messengers me i'll try my best to get her to stop going after everybody<3
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ImAMinor:3: @Vin_here: dont quit pls or ill be sad, dont let a that troll make u quit.
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ImAMinor:3: She has nothing in life except to just nag people so much that it crosses the fucking line. i just try my best to ignore her, about the things she says to me in gallery. And tbh i dont think she 10 she is a whopping 5 y/o cuz even a 10 y/o has a bit common sense and if she is 10 then i think she has a problem in her head and she really needs to get checked... im being fr. But this is going too far and im tired of her drama and i rlly hope she gets banned. U see ppl can have attention and fame by actually showing some skills and by gaining love.. BUT there are also ppl that gets attention by literally just causing a whole ass chaos, by gaining hate....sometimes i just dont get people.My brain is totally fried so i cant make out that much of words rn.
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lossforwords: delete this post
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joycon: agree with loss
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(╯▽╰): agree with joy who agrees with loss
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PartyCat: i think everybody Saw this post,you Can delete it now minor(i agree with (╯▽╰) who agrees with joy who agrees with loss)
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PartyCat: i'm gonna humpty dumpty plus i freaking said agree thing ÆÆÆÆÆ