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Alien: Wife is gonna love this
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SomeSoul: His face is very cartoony and most times happy, which make all the gruesome situations he's found in even more uncanny and makes it seem like he's not really in it. It works really well for those situations


This would be him if he had an essence. He feels like he's really there. He may not be the happiest about it but ay :) I also feel like how his surrounded by sunflowers expresses how confined he is in the inside, but he looks like he wouldn‘t tell you. Overall great artwork <3
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leia: @SomeSoul: i really love your interpretation, thank you for the kind words! ♡
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AAOx4: Leia this is simply wonderful. You captured him in a very subdued and contemplative way which works splendidly with your style. I'm truly so grateful.

I actually agree with Soul's comment. Sonny is often intentionally made to seem dissociated and disconnected from his circumstances, as they are things that passively act upon him without his control and he must simply endure. In contrast he seems much more grounded here.
Sunflower fields have always had a somewhat disquieting aura to me, vast and dizzying in their expansiveness. There is a part of Sonny's origin/lore in which he was stranded in a huge field of sunflowers, and now sometimes sees them sprouting up beside him as reminders to that time. It males perfect sense for him to become uneasy and astutely aware in their presence. You nailed that without even knowing.

Again my offer to do a gift for you still stands. Just send me your reference of choice!
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AAOx4: @Alien: I adore.. :-D
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leia: @AAOx4: im so very glad you like the drawing TT_TT.. it makes me happy too that my depiction of him isn't entirely inaccurate! sonny's lore is very interesting, i'd love to draw him again sometime ^_^ i really appreciate your response..