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Uploader Miuioo,
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Miuioo: I got the fucking numbers wrong brah…
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joycon: -2? why?
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joycon: i have a couple pages of art downvoted -2 as well, i smell gallery vote manipulation... unless we just have two people who really really hate us and coincidentally downvote the exact same things
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-Cat10_: Now its only -1 >:] I upvoted
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Vin_here: Who downvoted this? *upvotes*
Much betta
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Miuioo: Oh..
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Miuioo: Someone’s downvoting my stuff bro..
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Miuioo: WTAF
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PartyCat: @Miuioo: hehehehehhhhe
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joycon: stop messing with the gallery votes sobs
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PartyCat: @joycon: you're next*cracks knuckles #
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joycon: remove the votes before you get serverbanned moron
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PartyCat: @joycon: alrr
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Miuioo: All I wanted was at least the original amount off upvotes it hadn’t or like 4-9 brah not 18 LMAOO
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Miuioo: *had
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PartyCat: @Miuioo: i got carried away sorgy ☠️