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torrelatinio: please provide feedback on Jurgen van Schreicher's latest masterpiece, "the inner balance"
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boopy: Full marks! A solid 5/7.
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tollor: feedback

20:53:01 - (tollor1) - wow
20:53:09 - (tollor1) - this painting is very exciting
20:53:30 - (tollor1) - it speaks a lot to the youthful, underground energy that fills the contemporary conversation
20:53:42 - (tollor1) - i particularly appreciate the use of the neons in repetition
20:54:02 - (tollor1) - both a hallmark to the iconic fluorescence of the 80s, and a remaking of a past concept for the modern era
20:54:20 - (tollor1) - yes it's clearly depicting the chaos of youth life today
20:54:32 - (tollor1) - but not from the perspective of a youth
20:54:42 - (tollor1) - no, this painting subverts the speaker
20:54:51 - (tollor1) - the speaker is instead reflecting on his own youth
20:55:06 - (tollor1) - and how it fits into the role and conception of 'being young' in the contemporary
20:55:15 - (tollor1) - the carefully tagged name at the center of the piece
20:55:23 - (tollor1) - not only opposes classical, common composition
20:55:40 - (tollor1) - thereby breaking boundaries of composition, yet also harkening back to the graffiti tagging popular yesteryear
20:55:47 - (tollor1) - in this way, merging both new and old
20:55:56 - (tollor1) - likewise, the repetitiveness of the lines, and the letter 'p'
20:56:18 - (tollor1) - p, of course, chosen as a random vessel for the conveying of JVS's message
20:56:30 - (tollor1) - represent both the years of life past
20:56:40 - (tollor1) - and the links between the youth of today and yesterday
20:56:50 - (tollor1) - both struggle to rebel against conformity
20:57:07 - (tollor1) - yet remain conformational, as seen in the careful verticals JVS ahs scattered throughout the painting
20:57:36 - (tollor1) - while the frenetic energy of the organic lines layered behind the verticals and horizontals betray a sense of creativity
20:58:03 - (tollor1) - and reflect the yearning of the youth population to be not only unique, but live to the fullest extent
20:58:13 - (tollor1) - they are caged behind the heavier lines of the verticals and horizontals
20:58:24 - (tollor1) - thereby showing that the idyllic dreams of youth
20:58:33 - (tollor1) - are quickly straightened in the transition to adulthood
20:58:47 - (tollor1) - by both societal norms, and the inability to maintain the creative energy necessary for uniqueness
20:58:59 - (tollor1) - finally, the larger purple slash
20:59:06 - (tollor1) - near the bottom left-hand corner of the piece
20:59:23 - (tollor1) - is translucent, and obviously represents the perspective gained
20:59:26 - (tollor1) - in adulthood by JVS
20:59:41 - (tollor1) - the purple shade causes the colors and lyaers below it to change color
21:00:08 - (tollor1) - reflecting not only JVS's shift in opinion not only on society, but also on the actions and motivations of youth
21:00:33 - (tollor1) - the viewer sees the neon lines more brightly than the thinner organic lines
21:00:48 - (tollor1) - indicating that as he grew, JVS has determined that the strict rules put in place by society
21:00:59 - (tollor1) - are likely more beneficial, and definitely more realistic
21:01:13 - (tollor1) - than the hopeful dreams that he harbored in his youth
21:01:33 - (tollor1) - which are mirrored, eternally, by the ideas that are constant throughout the youth of today, and tomorrow
21:01:35 - (tollor1) - the end
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tollor: the title 'the inner balance' likely refers to the peace JVS has made with both his past and his present, and his journey to find how each fits into both himself today, and the contemporary societal opinions on how he should live.
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Jamila: JVS has the most relatable art. These might look like "scribbles" to the amateur eyes, but they actually touch the deepest point of your heart.