

 // 900x540 // 9.5KB
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Roselena: holary bongary


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EishaMoonSketch: flockmod is down


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Tomte: I tried to edit this image but the further I got into it I realized that pretty much all of it has to be redone. Biggest problems in order of importance:

1. The pose and gesture. (If you look closely at it you'll notice that because how huge his head and shoulder area are and how thin his waist is and how he seems to pout his chest forward, he is likely to fall over backwards, you need to have him lean more foward and buff up the muscles around his waist then pull the chest in to have his gesture and pose look believable.
2. His right arm is way too far back, in a relaxed pose his arms would hang down about where the pectorial muscle ends, so just left of the chest strap buckle. Right now his left arm is pretty much dislocated.
3. A lot of stuff that you've put on top of the body to HIDE your errors, the shoulder pad and the hood. Get the anatomy right before you put on the clothes.
4.The proportions, his ribcage is not tall enough and his hips are too high up.

I like the face but the body is terrible, I wasted 10 min editing this then I realized all of it has to be redone. You've got until tomorrow to remake the body.
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Ginea_Pig: And not a single fuck was given that day.
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Tomte: F-
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Rest_Bluejay: @Tomte: whats with the fuckin F- you think your some sort of teacher?
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Rest_Bluejay: @Tomte: AND giving them a specific time when they must remake it or some shit
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Tomte: Yes, go back to your barn pony man.
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Booter: @Tomte: Yee Yya got me bro, I'm total shit at bodies. I wasn't even going to draw it until the space suddenly became available and is as like "fuck it, i'll try"


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Roselena: no


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torrelatinio: Oh my. Some nice maps you have there, lol.


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GirbakesWAFFLES: well someone is improving :L
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warriorinside: why tank you


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hellothere1: <3 <3


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Monito: lol


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hellothere1: BOYS_BE_LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'<

269908: I'MBACK

I'MBACK // 359x540 // 17.4KB
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warriorinside: YOU CAN DO IT *cries happily as she does the happe jig* JUST KAZOOO IT
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