

 // 350x309 // 32.9KB
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nonomeabbi: Omg yes ily keep on pls this is amazing


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VelvetRose_: My brother.


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showing 10 of 35 comments

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loopv: you know, iq 135
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Pocodile: Not all jokes are made to degrade someone, just an fyi jokes can be harmless.
Like knock knock jokes,
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Bee who?
Better BEElieve I have a good sale on assorted honey out here!
- Reply
Pocodile: Jokes aren't always supposed to be funny either, as long as it amuses the person making the joke, that's often enough.
It's like art. You can't please everyone. Like you, nothing ever fits your damn standards.
Oh well.
I'm done hERE.
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nonomeabbi: Oh shit
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Haugkall: Haha Pocodile that's funny, "better BEElieve". Did you come up with that, genius.
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Pocodile: Ok I can't tell if you're being sarcastic about my crappy joke or if you're actually amused.
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Haugkall: I was genuinely amused for half a second, I approve of your humor Pocodile. A fool couldn't have made such a joke, you're A okay in my book. Keep it up.
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Pocodile: W h a t.

But that was so crappy, it's hard to believe that you were actually amused.
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nonomeabbi: Oh.... well I guess my sense of humor is actually shit. Hmm, oh well, the only thing that's funny bout me, is my life. :]
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forerunner2: @nonomeabbi: same


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nonomeabbi: Fuck that... Hmm maybeXD
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Pocodile: lol


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nonomeabbi: *hand jerks, smacks poco in the face* oh shit. Sorry tourettes.->-
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Pocodile: bitch
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nonomeabbi: H ehhehehehehehehheheh


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738071: fanart

fanart // 250x421 // 138.9KB
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Sunnyaan: tyy ;^; sorry my computer went off idk why ;v;
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NEONSTAR: @Sunnyaan yw! i love nutella


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nonomeabbi: Oh shit
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nonomeabbi: Rip. Ajex

737908: for no_name

for no_name // 335x340 // 16.0KB
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no_name: safasdfasdasfafjasfoiasudfioadofislkldo yeeeeesss
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