
742806: HillytheSlime Loopv StringsOfDarkness arguement bbu comic forerunner2 haugkall nonameabbi pocodile

HillytheSlime Loopv StringsOfDarkness arguement bbu comic forerunner2 haugkall nonameabbi pocodile // 200x500 // 43.1KB
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StringsOfDarkness: comic bout the dumb arguement of 2018
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Pocodile: side note:Well damn i got tagged in smth
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StringsOfDarkness: hit
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StringsOfDarkness: @StringsOfDarkness: hot*
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HillytheSlime: I feel you haha.
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StringsOfDarkness: lol

742728: HillytheSlime StringsOfDarkness bday late

HillytheSlime StringsOfDarkness bday late // 500x500 // 44.3KB
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StringsOfDarkness: this is late hilly sorri ;w; forgive me pls
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HillytheSlime: Ahhh thanks! It isn't my birthday it's more like my sons birthday,, aka Marcam.

Thank you though !
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StringsOfDarkness: ik owo


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Bbu: mocam


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nonomeabbi: I'm an ass I'm laughing at this.
I'm just saying "SuFFERRRR"
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Pocodile: Well he legit later on broke ties with Marcam, the only person who began to care for.

He's becoming to much like his dad.
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nonomeabbi: ...yeah can u just fucking smack some sense in this dickweed
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Pocodile: He won't listen, he may be to far gone.
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nonomeabbi: O-0 I. Don't give a DAYUM. IMMA FIGHT A DICKWEEEDDDDDD
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Pocodile: hurry up and get back on flockmod dammit i miss you
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nonomeabbi: Pfft I'm bout to now just a sec hun, I need to plug all my shit in and get connected... it might take 10min at top.


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nonomeabbi: I'm laughing right now, only cos, I wanna slap your god of just to see the reaction
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nonomeabbi: Oc not of
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Pocodile: LMAO


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Pocodile: rip

593268: emerald00 furry fursona

emerald00 furry fursona // 229x252 // 21.4KB
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pinkplayer7: E M E R A L D I T S M E
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emerald00: OH HI


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showing 10 of 26 comments

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Haugkall: Being made of wood means you're dead, a very dark fairy tale. That fairy is dangerous, look how she toys with the boy when he's locked up in a cage! Could you imagine if you would apply this to the real world. That would be like seeing a pretty woman enter a prison and taunt the black prisoners while pepper spraying them a bit until they promise to behave. There is a breed of man that when confronted with a Haugkall or a fairy woman wants to humiliate them. You're clearly such a man loopv since you've drawn over a thousands pictures of children being fucked. It's like porn in which women dressed as police officers are forced to perform fellatio on black thugs. If you're unable to see why it's disgusting all you've got to do is imagine that little village and everything is put into perspective. Listen to the fairy lamenting the ruined village, it's your fault loopv!
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loopv: how dead wood can hear fairy
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Haugkall: Sorry to hear that you've no hope of ever becoming a real boy puppet.
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loopv: why sorry
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Haugkall: I can't afford to be, the children comes first. But it's still sad that you've no hope of curing yourself of your preference for children. If it was legal you wouldn't have to draw them, must be frustrating.
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loopv: children come first?
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Pocodile: It wasnt a question fyi haugkall imma just say it was Loov correcting your grammar.
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Haugkall: Silly me, it's the other way around. In this picture you drew we must first think of not hurting the feelings of the fist guy. He is feeling lonely and we wouldn't want to make him feel bad.
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loopv: how im feeling bad?
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loopv: btw, children first?

@Pocodile, thanks, its Loopv :)


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forerunner2: when u try venting but u cant draw blood or other things

742289: #500thPost #Curls #Robes #YinSaku

#500thPost #Curls #Robes #YinSaku // 233x302 // 139.9KB
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YinSaku: 500th post
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