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showing 10 of 59 comments

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Fission: @forerunner2: Nice apeal to authority.
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Cyberbot: I'm with fore on this, you shouldn't tell someone on how they should live.
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Cyberbot: @Haugkall: Are you stereo typing Muslims?
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Haugkall: I feel like the computer, how about you try answer your own questions for a change moron.
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forerunner2: well haug u act like ur smarter than a computer so how about u act like the "smart" guy u are and answer questions, or are u finally accepting defeat?
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Haugkall: Cyberbot's question is rhetorical. That means it's not a question, he just wants me to know that he has no preference in regards to living in a western country or in a middle eastern/African one. They're all his buddies even if they might be more susceptible to stupidity. I don't know the exact figure but at some point I read that each year Spain produces about 1000 new books and that's equivalent to all the literature produced in the middle east for 50 years. Similar figures in regards to Africa and other places at which such people live. Let that sink in for a moment, Spain produces more literature in a year than the middle east does in 50 years. And you want to netflix and chill with these people, have them come and take menial work, build some mosques and produce babies. It's a recipe for crime and destruction of everything that it's worth living for. It's actually disturbing that you spend months drawing idols of these hairy devilry men. And then you have the audacity to keep on insulting the blue fairy when she's giving you sound advice. You should be grateful that I bother at all. But I see this is pointless now, your IQ seems to not quite be up for the task. You're destined to be an incredible idiot and no doubt contribute to the decline of our village, damn trolls out with you!
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forerunner2: u know u keep referring to marcam and the stupid fairy and trolls yet this isnt about that anymore, why do u keep changing the subject? hmmmmm i wonder why
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loopv: maybe haugkall eat plastic when he was child
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Cyberbot: @Haugkall: AAAAaAAAA, okay okay you're fucking smarter than me but when it comes to the internet and arguments you act SO MUCH OF A DUMBASS. keep it together and and follow these SIMPLE SIIIIIIMPLE instructions. shut. the. fuck. up.
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Cyberbot: ate*
you're welcome :))))))))


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mlg_noscoper: I'm not sure if i want to.


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Towa: I was lazy = v =


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Towa: waaooooow


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no_name: i lovie yous to forever and beyond


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nonomeabbi: The only ways to kill one (especially the king) is through a silver spork or just a spoon made with a silver spoon in the fuck OR just trying to make smth that your no, forcefully
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nonomeabbi: Dick not fuck
And not, not no

742806: HillytheSlime Loopv StringsOfDarkness arguement bbu comic forerunner2 haugkall nonameabbi pocodile

HillytheSlime Loopv StringsOfDarkness arguement bbu comic forerunner2 haugkall nonameabbi pocodile // 200x500 // 43.1KB
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StringsOfDarkness: comic bout the dumb arguement of 2018
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Pocodile: side note:Well damn i got tagged in smth
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StringsOfDarkness: hit
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StringsOfDarkness: @StringsOfDarkness: hot*
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HillytheSlime: I feel you haha.
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StringsOfDarkness: lol

742728: HillytheSlime StringsOfDarkness bday late

HillytheSlime StringsOfDarkness bday late // 500x500 // 44.3KB
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StringsOfDarkness: this is late hilly sorri ;w; forgive me pls
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HillytheSlime: Ahhh thanks! It isn't my birthday it's more like my sons birthday,, aka Marcam.

Thank you though !
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StringsOfDarkness: ik owo


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Bbu: mocam


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nonomeabbi: I'm an ass I'm laughing at this.
I'm just saying "SuFFERRRR"
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Pocodile: Well he legit later on broke ties with Marcam, the only person who began to care for.

He's becoming to much like his dad.
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nonomeabbi: ...yeah can u just fucking smack some sense in this dickweed
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Pocodile: He won't listen, he may be to far gone.
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nonomeabbi: O-0 I. Don't give a DAYUM. IMMA FIGHT A DICKWEEEDDDDDD
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Pocodile: hurry up and get back on flockmod dammit i miss you
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nonomeabbi: Pfft I'm bout to now just a sec hun, I need to plug all my shit in and get connected... it might take 10min at top.
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