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OneEyedBunny: Oh look it's my boy!Top right corner!
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boopy: me just chillin on the bottom


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AliceKuch: sweety angel cat


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Alien: love you


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showing 10 of 29 comments

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Ionsfu: @Tomte: Its not strawmanning. you said 'Preda the Preda-tor is not only a pun, it's true.' and 'you can assume it's other things. Some of these things are objectively bad'. stop trying to back pedal and stop changing the goalposts.
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Tomte: Did I ever say that listening to rap music makes you a rapist or more likely to become a rapist? No, so you're arguing against something I never said.
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Ionsfu: @Tomte:'Preda the Preda-tor is not only a pun, it's true.' 'If loopv liked gangster rap, was an arab and preferred to degrade girls instead of being pissed on by them. Then he would be Preda.' here we see you make the connection between liking gangster rap and being like predator much like you claim the user preda is.
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Haugkall: Loopv is someone flockmodders are familiar with, which is why I brought him up a reference point. Preda shares some characteristics with loopv but they're different in that Preda likes to degrade and torture women instead of being tortured and degraded by them which is loopv's thing. This picture highlights that difference. If a pervert draws stuff like this he is more likely to want to piss on women than have them piss on him. That said they're very similar, which is why I wrote the comment to begin with. Your rapist = rap music comment is a straw man.
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Tomte: I agree Haugkall.
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Ionsfu: @Haugkall: 'Loopv is someone flockmodders are familiar with, which is why I brought him up a reference point.'

@Tomte: Tomte: I agree Haugkall.

holy shit you didnt even try.
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Ionsfu: @Haugkall: this is a picture of jay-z, not a picture of a woman. you're either blind, autistic, or a really bad liar.

also it doesnt matter if you degrade or are degraded. its still counts as a sexual crime reguardless. Again tomte/haugkall. preda's gallery has no pictures of women being tortured or women torturing men. stop making things up.
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Tomte: Whatever Ionsfu.
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Bandit: @Ionsfu: it's a meme. dont take it personally kid
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Preda: hello, i found my username today 5/3/2020. I make this rapper from a google photo because I'm learning to apply shadows on skin. I don't know jay-z music. sorry tomte you are so retard.


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Q__: I'm fucking terrified


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loopv: wow nice tho


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OneEyedBunny: PEW PEW


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Federico: Lol

878638: alien

alien // 358x640 // 418.2KB
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AliceKuch: my fairyland


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showing 10 of 22 comments

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Eira: But why does it even matter to you, they're not hurting anyone with their language or twerking. They're just having fun and it makes them happy. Maybe leave them alone?
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Tomte: This list is just as much a reminder of what not to be as it is a list of what you can assume most people are. There are lots of people who are happy despite having every trait on this list. Look at Africa or the third world, disease, crime and filth yet very happy. Assume they're either too dumb to realize what their circumstances are like or fakes. A fake being someone who smiles at everything in hopes of someone smiling back at them. Most of those people are on anti depressants, seeing psychiatrists or they're sociopaths. So if a person smiles even though nothing is particularly amusing, assume they're retarded or whores.
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Eira: That makes sense. Avoiding being these things and assuming most people are like this is invaluable advice. Thanks!! ^__^
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Tomte: Yeah no problem, lower your expectations then you'll never be disappointed.
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Bandit: Lonsfu just seems like those kids who wish to be born in the 60s. He sounds more of a boomer than Tomte. But Tomte actually makes sense with things. Lonsfu just has the addiction of wanting attention by putting anger on others lmao
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Tomte: Bandit when people make you feel bad it's immature to call them names. I don't know what Ionsfu told you, but are you sure he is wrong?
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Ionsfu: Before saying anything about genetics lets just acknowledge that evolution doesn't take millions of years. If you were to kill everyone under 6 foot then the next generation of people would be genetically predisposed to being taller. also cutting of an extreme threshold would effect the traits for the whole breeding population because each generation mixes the genes from the previous generation. for example if you select against the phenotype for aggression to the extend that there is any genetic component of that variation, you will be selecting against the genotype that causes aggression. and because you are removing the most violent element you are culling the most violent genes out of the entire genepool in the breeding population. youre not jsut cutting off the most violent at the high end but because the genes re-shuffle each round, you will not only have fewer out right violent criminals, but you will reduce the number of 'violent genes' in the breeding population. changing the nature of everyone in the population and not the size of the criminal element.

Everything you guys have said has nothing to do with environment, aka "people act certain ways because they want to 'fit in' with a group" and everything to do with genetics. If that statement were true then that would be an endless cycle of everyone emulating a certain group, and that would mean there would have to be a common point of which that group originates from and all groups by default copy the original group. and we know that's not true. Places like africa are the way they are because of how genetically different they are from the rest of the world. africa is the most genetically diverse continent on earth with asia coming second due to its sheer size alone and many genetic populations settling from outside such as madagascan peoples, east and north africans, and white south africans, not to mention the bushmen are more genetically distant from bantus despite neither group coming from or interbreeding with an outside genetic population. so you cant say all africans act the same and therefore are the same because thats just ignorant. Europe and diaspora are they way they are because of their history as people living in an extremely cold area at the time and later going from hunter gathers to agricultural. people in colder environments are smarter than those in warmer environments because people had to actually use their brains to stay warm and find food or else they'd die. people who werent smart enought to survive in the extreme cold died and their genes didnt get passed on to the next generation. also people had to be even smarter to farm. farming involves knowing where and when to plant and harvest, which crops are good or bad, how much water plants need (etc). Not to mention europeans farmed in cold seasonal environments which involved even more intelligence. sub saharan africans never had the incentive to actually farm because they lived in all-year-round warm environments. this means lots of wildlife and plants to eat any where at any time.

After the fall of rome in 406, much of the knowledge was destroyed and the knowledge that wasnt destroyed was moved to constantinople and alexandria. Durring the dark ages from the 5th century to the 11th century and medival period from the 11th century to the 14th century Many crimes such as theft, rape, murder, arson, etc. were punished with torture or death. violent criminals were killed for over a period of about one thousand years which was more than enough time for a signifigant genetic change in behavior. eveutually, Byzantium fell in 1453 and the knowledge was moved to italy and this eventually led to the renaissance period from the 14th century to the 17th century and durring this time period there were many changes in economics such as the sale of titles eventually leading to the end of feudalism and to what we know as private property and the common market so that goods can be sold over county lines leading to colonialism and factories in europe. they werent steam powered factories as we know today but they were early mass production lines where youd have line of workers making things all day. this gave the incentive to mechanize and which lead to the industrial revolution. Another thing id like to point out is that durring this time up intil the 1800s the rich were having more children then the poor and they eventually replaced the poor. this isnt to say that there weren't any 'poor' people. they were just the descendants of rich people from the medieval and renaissance periods. all this lead to the industrial and agricultural revolutions because of the genetic population being predisposed to invention due to the mass genetic changes throughout european history.

None of this would have happened in africa because they didnt have the incentives for these mass genetic changes. Its not really some weird cult like thing to say 'europeans are the light unto civilization as we know it'. where is the lie just look at the data. this isnt some conclusion you have to stretch to see, it pops right out to you. all of this invention and early technology came from north west europe and radiated out into the world. its not just something that happened because of circumstance it was a genetic change in time. when people say 'lets just push these people with these genetics to the side that created the world as we know it' and expect the world to continue normally wihtout them, and these people take offense when anyone questions the idea that the modern world has nothing to do with the people who built it. when you do this you threaten to bring the world back to the dark ages, not that the technology would go away but the world becomes regimented, unfree, locked with guilds, and stagnating.

When asked what is the benefit of my ideas on the spot im thrown through a loop.I dont even know where to begin. Do you care about anything at all? do you care about free speech, being able to start a buisness, enforcement of private property, not letting people shit in the streets and wiping their own asses withtout toilet paper, schools that arent prisons, nice cops, cops and judges that follow the law, the most basic scientific research, universities, not having to deal with idenity politics, lower rates of diseas and not having things like coronavirus and ebola all the time, organ transplants, lower rates of crime, having companies and firms that deal with the business and facts on the ground and not having to death with endless racial quotas and affirmative action, not paying an equivalent of a second military budget for social services for federal and state aid for people that dont need it minus what they pay in taxes, not having all your cities turn into detroit, chicago, philadelphia, and st louis. not commuting 2 hours a day, constant micro conflicts of minorities playing their loud obnoxious music that gets worse every month in white spaces to assert dominance? Yes ideas matter but ideas come from people with genes who exist and interact with other people with genes in an environment built by said people with genes. I have nothing to prove. It's those otherwise that have to answer for the disaster of multi racialism.
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Bandit: @Ionsfu: eat butthole n ig g a
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lolis: Oh great unknown meteor on your way to Earth....Please destruct all human life and let the insects take over. Amen
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Bandit: @lolis: I really hope you know, not a single person cares but ok
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