938734: April 26, 2021; 00:30 - Reply That_Guy: Hell yeah! Let's play a round! April 26, 2021; 16:59 - Reply S83: Go to Fallback, that's F*cked up yo xD April 26, 2021; 17:21 - Reply lolis: lol April 26, 2021; 17:23 - Reply lolis: We can't seem t find a way to reorient the text on the top and side sections...tried rotating with the custom brush but that didn't really work. ideas? April 26, 2021; 18:45 - Reply S83: uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ɹnoʎ s,ǝɹǝɥ llǝM https://www.upsidedowntext.com/ April 27, 2021; 00:46 - Reply MamaPomf: I would play April 27, 2021; 03:22 - Reply lolis: Cool! We could use some kind of online dice roller too April 27, 2021; 17:03 - Reply boopy: just rotate text in ms paint and load as image 753983: April 17, 2021; 05:59 - Reply Person259: Wonderful! Once we did a collab! i would love to make another one with you!!! April 26, 2021; 14:17 - Reply Alien: oh this is lovely 938641: April 23, 2021; 16:49 - Reply S83: Cutie Patootie ;) April 26, 2021; 12:13 - Reply cntrct: @S83: thanks~ btw cool user id (1488) 938693: D. April 25, 2021; 13:14 - Reply Grand_Dad: Ooh... Oh dear God. 938698: April 25, 2021; 10:50 - Reply S83: Pls step on me n.n 938508: April 21, 2021; 16:22 - Reply S83: Keep 'em Comin' ;) 938473: April 21, 2021; 07:07 - Reply Keplin: penus ! <3 938462: April 21, 2021; 06:59 - Reply S83: ❤️ 938373: April 19, 2021; 14:26 - Reply boopy: nice 938315: April 18, 2021; 04:35 - Reply loopv: i like this <3 First | Prev | Random | Next | Last<< 770 | 771 | 772 | 773 | 774 | 775 | 776 | 777 | 778 | 779 | 780 >>