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showing 10 of 68 comments

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Haugkall: I briefly mentioned people like you earlier lolis. Unless I'm not a part of your group or sub servient to mr pot belly then I'm going to be barraged with questions whose only purpose is to make the pot belly feel better about himself. Aren't you going to ask if I even lift bruh? Don't brag of things anyone can accomplish or of non accomplishments. In some ways you're similar to the dumbass young woman who when asked what she wants out of life answers that she wants some nice man to ejaculate into her and give her babies.

Oh yes so you've settled on the one thing even a newborn could figure out how to do while every day tossing salads about at a department store. What an achievement, oh gosh I should shiver in awe of this person he's so mature, so fulfilled, what a role model. I hate to break it to you but you're probably loosely classified as trailer trash lolis. That's at least my impression of you.

Now if your drawings were as good in comparison to my drawings as mine are to forerunner's. Then you would have a point, but when you're a man one or two decades older than me and try to put me down, yet draw like a toddler on a site dedicated to drawing. Not sure what to think of that, it's akin to an old man waltzing into a fashion boutique telling some guy to pull his pants up while wearing a diaper. Age isn't a virtue and it definitely don't make your more mature or intelligent. Heck when I was 14 I was into japanese history and old kurosawa movies, I knew each major battle by heart and all the famous generals and their daily routines. I wouldn't just brush kids off as kids. Many of them are going to be far greater than you lolis and maybe already are. As for your straw man, no I have got all which you posess and so much more, so maybe you ought to show some respect towards your superiors.

Whip that hide of yours savage beast at least one hundred times. Then crawl on your knees towards us unless that pot belly prevents you from doing so in which case you can scoot on your fat ass towards us. Kindly ask to be pardoned and hope the "kids" and Haugkall finds heart to bother with a nasty creature such as yourself.
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lolis: I like Kurosawa movies, too....many people do. There's nothing exclusive about that. I'm surprised that you would give recognition to anyone with dark hair and dark eyes -like Kurosawa....but maybe you're just into dropping his name to appear "hip"?

What do you have to say about artists like Charles Schultz? Robert Crumb? Gahan Wilson? Bill Smith? Gary Larson? TOVE JANSSEN (note the last name) Do you think they are old men (ex. Tove) who draw like toddlers? Well? Do you....MUMRIK? :)

I think you are just projecting onto others, what you fear is happening to yourself. I think you are a rather meek guy who is looking for a safe place to be respected for your obvious artistic talents....and here you are.

I, for one, have respect for your talent. I know you draw very well. But...unfortunately, what you do is akin to being an expert at dancing the waltz. In other words, you are great at doing something that very few people care about. It used to be a big deal to be an expert at the waltz. It showed one to be of superior ilk....centuries ago.

There are many, many people with very similar talents to yours, Mestre Hypocrite. You can draw great art that has absolutely no lasting impact whatsoever....but your talent at drawing and your eye for the human figure is quite impressive....and art classrooms are filled with people just like you. You obviously don't get out much into the real art world much, or you would already know this. You spend too many of your best years here arguing with kids ...and old men!

Go outside today, Haugakall....Say hello to a nice blue-eyed, blonde-haired Swedish native girl and start living a real life. Just do it. Slap yourself in the face, right this moment...instead of responding to m with your next greatest insult, go outside and meet a girl and talk to her...Don't respond to me. Don't let the urge you are feeling to respond to me overtake the serious NEED for you to get out into the world. It's probably unlikely that you will get jumped by immigrants....but you've got to face your fears, sometime, man. We already know you can beat up kids and old, fat guys like me (lol...for real). Now let's see how you do with people your own age and mentality......*crickets chirping sound*

Your turn
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Haugkall: No I simply pointed out that it's possible for 14 year olds to be appreciative of neat things despite not being adults. So to dismiss them as kids when many of them draw better than you, possibly have better tastes than you and even might have a better grasp on wordly matters than you is silly. Age is a variable by which we can measure how well we're doing compared to others. Your old age would be of no consequence if you actually had a gallery full of amazing art. But that's not the case so not sure why it's relevant. It doesn't make you more experienced or more informed on the topic at hand and it definitely don't gives you the right to talk down to me.

As for the comic illustrators you mentioned, they're comic illustrators. A single panel from such a comic book on it's own would be nothing. It's the stories people are interested in. Tove Jansson was an author and a decent artist but the art isn't out of this world. However I'm not sure how this is relevant to what we're talking about, are you comparing your gallery to Tove Jansson's art?

As for people with similar talents to my own. Oh yes I know they exist, I speak to them on a daily basis. I'm not greater nor lesser than them, however most of them tend to have a rather poor taste. Space aliens and anime figurines anyone? What you'll find is that when you reach a certain skill threshold, then you can't simply doodle something out in 15 minutes without a good plan of what you're making. Even if you happen to know every muscle group and bone in the human body you're still going to need to get a realistic perspective on the figure and put the figure in an appealing setting. This means those people you speak of and even myself, there's little point in doodling the time away in any "art communities". You have to spend hours even days all by yourself working at something. It takes a long time and doesn't lend itself to funny chit chatting, it's work not play.

But alas you've got a point in regards to the waltz. Nobody is interested in a neat painting or statue anymore, so even wasting days or weeks on a single art piece would be time wasted. Just like with the comics you've got to set the pictures to a story. That's where games and movies come in, you got to either rely on others to handle the filming and the programming or you've got to figure that out as well. My statues are more than capable of being able to contribute to some game, however more profit is to be gained from working on something by yourself. Too many middle men leeching off of what you're creating which is why I'm currently teaching myself programming.

I could either concentrate on the art or allow myself to on occassion be distracted by savegery on the internet. Or I could hook up with the first nice girl I run past while out jogging and then sit at her house and watch stupid netflix series and feel good about myself while serving cappucinos at the local starbucks. Hmmm difficult choice, become a slob like lolis and eventually sucidial or pursue the arts and then eventually find some neat soul mate. I think the choice is obvious, anyway...

Enemy of human kind, crafty malevolent monster! Lash, lash that hide oh savage beast and liberate thy energies from that sloth which inclines you to eating and yet more eating. Give yourself 3000 lashes on your broad hillbilly buttocks so they turn red and give you great pain. Then I forgive you low born cur for daring to offend Haugkall most noble of flockmodders. You may upload photos as proof that you've carried out your punishment. Generally it's advised to not wrestle with pigs in the mud, because they like and you don't. Until you've carried out your punishment I will not join you for another mud bath sack of hillbilly potato shit. Now if you excuse me I've got stuff to do.
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forerunner2: @Haugkall: i dont know if ur saying mine are trash or acutally somewhat decent .-.
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lolis: I have a Macbook and draw with my thumb and middle finger. Let's see you draw something under those conditions. You will find the lack of a more advanced drawing tool to be a limiting factor as to both time and detail. But I guess you ASSume that everyone you compare yourself to has the same starting point as you do with your drawing setup.
I don't compare the quality of my work, here, to be en par with Tove Janssen or any of the cartoonists I cited....Rather, I claim cartoon art as my style whilst drawing on a Macbook with my thumb and finger. If you're going to become critical of my work, then let's at least see what you are capable of with no specialized drawing tools, first. If you can draw better than me (or anyone else) at that point, then I will be satisfied you are a "better" artist than I. Until that time, however, you are nothing more than one of many artists who aren't better than anyone. You're simply one of a plethora of talented artists whose work is obviously taken from styles that died centuries ago. It's neither original or meaningful in any way. There is no allegory to any of it. It's just figure-study sketching and art classrooms are full of it.

Oh...and Wilson, Larson, etc. -many cartoonists are single-panel cartoonists -meaning they encapsulate the entire gist of the work in a single panel -as opposed to Tove Janssen who uses her cartoons to illustrate an ongoing storyline. Maybe you didn't know that. Do I compare myself to them? Yes, we are all cartoonists. Is my talent comparable to theirs? No. But I can cartoon well enough to make some humorous birthday cards and holiday cards for friends -which is a great way to take advantage of this site. I certainly don't purport to be a serious artist trying to make it in the art world. I'm just another insignificant artist -like yourself...just in a different style.

You are here with other artists who have a joy for art, too, Haugkall. Don't be a rain cloud. Be an umbrella.
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Haugkall: I'll briefly comment on this nonsense because why not. Though I still look forward to seeing those red hilbilly arse cheeks of yours lolis. Drawing with your thumb is like running a marathon on your hands, it's dumb and a waste of time. There's allegory in my work, or rather in the archetypes or stories I choose to illustrate in my work.

Heracles raising the pillars at Gibraltar has great significance. He killed his family in a mad rage, then went on a journey to perform his labors. This archetypal figure represents every young man who chooses hard work before tying himself to a woman. The pillars he raised at Gibraltar are the pillars of civilization. I tried a few years ago now to make that into a statue, it's ok but flawed. I'm sure you can figure out what Thor bashing in the head of a troll means.

That you can't see how meaningful this is means you're glib. You're calling yourself an insignificant artist just like me. Not so sure we're at the same level buddy. That is not to say that cartoons can't make a profit, because unfortunately today people obsess over the most ridiculous stuff. I wouldn't say Hergé or Tove Jansson are great artists, decent story tellers more like it especially Tove. How many lashes have you given yourself so far?
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lolis: Yes, drawing with just two digits IS a handicap in comparison to someone who uses tools specific to drawing. I simply cannot attempt to draw fine art with my Macbook.trackpad....thus, I have settled into cartooning here. But that's okay because no one is here to make fine art....except you, apparently.

Again, yes the BASIS for your subjects are chosen from allegorical works....but YOUR art is just sketches of the figures from the allegories. Do you think you are the first one to draw this way? You can't see the forest because your nose is pressed right up against a single tree. Step back, take a look around? See? There's all kids of art happening all around you....and here you are with your mind stuck inside visions of folkloric characters that have been drawn, sculpted, etc. for so long there is simply nowhere else to go with it. It's played out -like the waltz....and it's been played out by artists who were/are another level from you....a long, long time ago.

However, having said that.....there's nothing wrong with your romantic attachment to Scandinavian folklore. It's cool, actually. But why do you insist on being such an oaf to an audience of mostly kids, here? Their "folklore" is Japanese anime characters and dogs with oversized heads and ears. Why do they gravitate towards these things? -I have NO idea. Maybe drawing, in any form, with any tools (or lack thereof) is Maybe there isn't always an ultimate reason for any of it. What about that?

Your agenda, as an artist, isn't everyone's agenda. You are like the bird in the cage watching all the other,, little birds flying around, outside the cage -free to go wherever. And all you are doing is calling to them and beckoning them to come inside that restrictive cage with you. Why? Because misery loves company and you are miserable.
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Haugkall: It has been played out you say? My goodness for one so many years older than me one would think you would have a basic understanding of what archetypes and fiction is all about. Why exactly do you think young children are afraid of the dark? It's because for thousands of years we had to fear nocturnal predators hiding in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to jump on us and chew us to bits. We've not only inherited a fear of darkness, but a range of other archetypal ideas. These ideas are never going to be played out because we as living breathing creatures need ways to organize ourselves in promotion of life and not death.

When we dismiss the archetypes, be it a masculine herculean hero, a ruthless protector like Thor or a man who sacrefices momentary pleasure for future gain in the form of knowledge, Odin. Then there are no standards, no rules of conduct. Let's obsess over assholes, toilets and poop like mr lolis. Let's screw our daughters like loopv, let's cut our genitalia off like pit. Let's behave like and be accepting of retarded rappers or inbred muslims in the name of diversity, tolerance and love. Let's become devils and trolls and piss all over the decent people and their sexist, racist arrogant art. Be it statues, architecture, litterature or anything else that was handed down to them by their ancestors.

It's never going to be played out or replaced by your retarded crap. Drawing with your fingers isn't a handicap, it's retarded and a waste of time. If I didn't own a 60 dollar tablet I would not have spent a single minute on any drawing site. And I would definitely not draw over a thousand pictures of pooping cats, farting women and toilets covered in poop. Try analyze your own art as I would analyze a statue, it's obvious you've got some kind of twisted kink for shit. That coupled with your caricatures of mexicans, muslims and blacks gives me a hillbilly vibe. Are you trailer trash that think "faggots" should all aspire to be more like you. An upstanding, hard working, responsible adult with "life experiences" and a neat pot belly full of growling turds. Lol, forget it you miserable bastard. Now would you want some sun lotion for that red neck and ass of yours? Because I hope you haven't forgot about your lashes.
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lolis: So you are okay with debauchery as long as it is Scandinavian debauchery like all the raping and pillaging the Vikings were historically noted for....but you have a problem now that you and your Viking descendants are getting a taste of the same?

Got a problem with the muslims? Go out and confront them, yourself, like a man. Find a muslim man about your age and physical size and walk up and start talking the same shit to him that you talk in here to people who aren't in your physical presence.

And before you conjure up another boastful , tough-guy response, remember that people here (some of us, anyway) have seen you. We know what you look like and, trust me on this.....You are not a tough guy. So, just accept that you are not a tough guy and start being a nice guy. You might actually be able to pull that off.

You are, after all, a talented artist. It's just that you are no one's superior. You don't seem to accept or understand the terms of subjectivity and personal perspective....which indicates that you don't truly understand the vastness of art. However, like it or not, you can't condense it down to just the art you like and then expect that to be the universal definition. That's where your nose is up against the tree.

You have an imagination which allows you to project yourself into alignment with the great artists of the distant past and their heroic, allegorical figures like Thor and Odin, etc. But they are no more real than a cartoon cat taking a shit on top of a rainbow.

The difference is, I invent my own original characters and allegories -whereas you attempt to invoke characters that someone else invented centuries ago...and then reiterate them as if they came from your mind. I don't see any originality in that and I'd, personally, rather see a simplistic (like a cartoon) depiction of something original than I would a very intricately-drawn depiction of something I've seen a million times.

Just hold one of those photos of yourself that you have posted onto the internet, next to a painting of Thor or Odin and see how you compare to their images.
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Haugkall: I'm not vain so I don't much care about my looks. If I would judge my physique or my face as I would judge a work of art then I would say that my greatest flaw are tired or dried eyes. If you spend a long time staring at anything your eyes are going to become dried out, when this happens just like sponges the tissue surrounding the eyes collect water. This makes the eyes look puffy or swollen.

A tired face howver can easily be cured. It might take a week or even a month for the face or body to change due to the rate at which cells in the body are replaced but not much longer than that. A month of good sleep and fresh air would cure a tired face. As for my body, it's not too shabby. Well proportioned and firm. You see I do about 700 rope jumps every morning, it's a good upper body, core and lower body workout. I also do some running which adds some extra meat to the thigs and buttocks.

That reminds me, how's it going with your ass cheeks mr. I hope you haven't forgot about the punishment you were given some posts back. 3000 lashes on your broad hillbilly buttocks, I want to see them red as plums in summer time. Anyway I'll not even humor the notion that you need to look like Odin in order to make a statue of him. Besides most of these figures were imagined in a time at which there wasn't much need for programming, fine art, litterature or architecture.

If I lived in viking times I would see the point in being a fat super muscular farmer. But going to the gym and lifting stuff to gain muscle today is a waste of time. It's not healthy, there is a possability that you'll get injured and you really have to make an effort not to look disproportionate. The movements you repeat over and over again aren't natural either, ever heard of kinetic strength? I bet you that Bruce Lee weighing only 70 kg had more strength than most of the out of breath body builders walking around today, simply due to the fact that he had greater control of his musculature.

No if you want to work out, be healthy and look good you need to do full body workouts. Swimming, climbing, running or possibly jump skipping are preferable to eating tons of protein and lifting junk. Anyway may we see your picture lolis? If a sissy faggot like myself was tough enough to upload his image on the internet years ago surely a man 15 years older would dare do the same and then some. Oh and if the consequences of hunting a muslim wouldn't be prison time. Then a lot of people would probably be into it. Even I might be convinced of doing such a thing because of what I have come to learn of them.

It would probably look something like this, let's hunt some muslim/black thugs.>:)


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YinSaku: I love the colors used here! This makes me feel like I went back in time, perhaps the roaring 20's? This person looks elegant and confident, I think you accentuated the personality really well. Keep slaying <3
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rs: @YinSaku: Thank you, i'm reading up on Art Deco fashion right now so 20s hits the nail on the head! Glad their personality comes through as well. <3 <3 <3

745394: Fembot bembot

Fembot bembot // 450x521 // 334.9KB
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YinSaku: This is so nice!
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bembot: @yin Hey thanks :) felt good to practice a longer drawing for once
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loopv: nice
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Haugkall: Jeez louise, fembot and loopv both appreciating a picture, wonder why that is. Oh right they both want to degrade and humiliate people they either envy or can't ever hope to commingle with.
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bembot: I drew this u pp @haugkall now gimme a fat kiss bb
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Haugkall: You actually have some talent bembot which is why it's very sad that all your art is inspired by your twisted desire to smell dirty panties and have this seemingly smart, confident woman cry at the nether regions of your fat pot belly. Oh yes, we've not forgot the horrible pictures you drew under your fembot account. And Mr shove fists up girls assholes loopv also finds this nice. Truly sickening, like devils out of the pits of hell descending on an innocent angel. But I suppose it's alright as long as you don't act on it. But don't expect not to be critiqued when you're letting your fat shit filled gut hang out all over my monitor, ugh please behave.
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loopv: haugkall only kiss kid
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bembot: ;c Im still 19 not too old for a haugy smoosch

746833: CSLA

CSLA // 910x640 // 110.8KB
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lolis: wooooooooow


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forerunner2: i feel like this is clouds oc bc he has a oc named solar


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746516: collab planet

collab planet // 910x640 // 368.6KB
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boopy: Planet's latest collab
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lolis: Just great! I love this one.

746465: CSLA Elections

CSLA Elections // 910x640 // 89.8KB
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lolis: I want a recount!



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mchanzo: ur art will never fail to amuse me <3 !! Keep up the good work!!

746184: CSLA Elections

CSLA Elections // 910x640 // 101.5KB
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lolis: +1 for Dr. Walaa
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