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boot: I knew vincent van gogh was still alive
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Walkman: @boot:Do you talk about my drawings?


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AliceKuch: beautiful my boy
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Walkman: @AliceKuch: thanks <3 C:


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AliceKuch: good job


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AliceKuch: sweetyyyyy
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Saiyanmeow: XD -w-


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Graffiti: dayumm NICE
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yyada: THIS IS SO HOT!


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lolis: The Cream?
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jj01234: aids party
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lolis: You want?


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lolis: jotkka


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lolis: LMFAO!!! 10/10


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showing 10 of 17 comments

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Richmond: @lolis: It's not a 1-2 block region. It's a 6 block region. If you've actually entered the CHAZ region you'd know how much of a shithole it actually is. the george floyd death was just the straw on the camel's back for the rioters. In seattle all the rioters managed to do is go to a 6 block area and cause trouble. Sweden now has foreigners much like the US and the rest of the western world because those in power influence people to vote for the party that invite foreigners in that vote for that same party because they give them "free" shit with your (taxer payer) money of course. America is not the heart and brain of the world it used to be. It's now corrupted by new elite which have infiltrated the system by taking advantage of wealth and tolerance made possible by the system to begin with. America will no longer be a super power if elites push for the tolerance of chinese influence and mass immigration into our lands all in the name of the free market.
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Tomte: Sweden has a reputation of being cucked, but if you look at its politics that couldn't be further from the truth. The most popular politician if he were the leader of the USA. Would be arguing for mexicans in the US and blacks to return to their home countries. That is quite an extreme stance, far more right leaning than Trump. And he's soon going to be the prime minister.

As for the citizens, there lives about 10-20% foreigners in Sweden. Compare that to the US which is about 60% black/hispanic and the rest are either mixed, jewish or eastern European. And now you got police officers kissing the feet of blacks and blacks setting up private enclaves in part of the country where they've made themselves the police. God knows what happens off camera. Especially knowing 90% of american teenagers don't mind at all twerking around to hip hop music. How many of those in the video I posted wouldn't mind kissing black ass to prove how non racist they are. You're sick, and fuck your woke Holywood movies too. ;)
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lolis: @Richmond Mayor Jenny Durkin is about to lose her job for allowing the cops to surrender to those misanthropes.
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Tomte: Btw do you want to know how to argue against immigration efficiently? Of course you do, the strain it puts on welfare. A good chunk of our income is put into a pot to be redistributed to us evenly. Public facilities, health care, roads and law enforcement. Stuff we probably want but which none one of us on our own could afford to buy.

When immigrants from South America, the middle east and Africa come much of our income that we hope to come back to us is given to them. So they can eat, be locked up whenever they rape our daughters and be educated which means there will be less attention given to our children's education. If they were productive intelligent and well mannered immigrants maybe I wouldn't mind paying them 30% of my paycheck.

But science has proven to us their IQ is about 70-85 which means they have the mentality of 12 year olds forever. So educating them is a waste of resources, they don't have the raw brain power to do well. Rehabilitating rapists is pointless and unfair to the victim. And then of course they take the only jobs they're able to perform, stand in some kiosk selling hot dogs or sweeping floors somewhere. Jobs that some of our 16 year olds would benefit from having instead. Which means if our children are lucky they'll start a family in their mid 30s instead of with their high school sweetheart at age 20.

But you bet the immigrants make babies, when they find their cleaning toilet job they quickly take advantage of child benefits and create 15 babies with their cousin. And like a cancer crime, stupidity and poverty spreads all over what could be a nice country. Our Swedish welfare system is crumbling because of immigrants and half our of jails are full of foreigners.

Same thing is happening in the US but it's too late for you, you're soon a minority and then you'll slowly turn into Africa/South America. And reap the benefits of living in such countries with such people. Yet many of you protest law enforcement and raise your hands in prayer against racism which ironically is the solution to all your problems. I'm almost beginning to think that you hate yourselves and your people, which...I can understand to an extent, many of you dress up as squirrels in your free time and are completely sick in the head. Most upsetting is seeing children jumping around to hip hop. If the young generation is conquered you're screwed, USA at most has a decade or two before it breaks apart into warring factions. You're screwed.
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lolis: If we're screwed, then the rest of the world is screwed as well. "As falls Wichita, so falls Wichita Falls."
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lolis: P.S. I seem to remember that Sweden was letting a bunch of muslim immigrants in awhile back....How smart was that of Sweden? Apparently not too smart, huh? So don't go around pointing your crooked little finger at anyone from a super power country. You're nothing more than a squeaking voice coming out of the background somewhere. Let the super powers continue to do things the way they did to become super powers to begin with. Sweden and many other countries are much older than America and you would reckon that had gotten all their shit together and become a super power themselves...but no. The rest of the world should never forget that no matter how much they may come to hate us, they'd better not try poking at us without some thick gloves on, because we have a lot of sharp teeth....and the way the world is going these days, don't be surprised if you start seeing some of those teeth soon. These protests are just us getting hyped up and warmed up for a bigger fight. We just love to fight! It's pretty much all we do. We think it's fun....except for the weak liberals.
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Richmond: @Tomte: You can mention the welfare system and how it affects taxpayers that actually work for their things but you have to remember that 'left' doesn't care about logical arguments against their positions because the 'leftist' ideology is rooted in emotional arguments while admittedly they are extremely effective however they aren't real solutions to anything. You need to mention how birthrates all across the west are low but forget to mention how its come to be this way. The corporations and politicians want profits and will do anything to get it. The west has an over saturated labor pool meaning workers are expendable. back before world war 2 corporations had to compete for workers rather than workers competing for corporations. when you let more workers into a county with already over saturated labor pool you're doing nothing but increasing the supply of labor while the demand stays relatively the same. the reason immigrant labor is preferred over native labor is because immigrants can and will work for less compared to native born citizens. Native born citizens don't have jobs therefore don't have the means to start a family successfully, lowering the birth rates of native born citizens while importing immigrants which have high birth rates effectively replacing the native population. this has happened many times before, the entire northern US spoke german before being forced to speak english due to anti-german sentiment caused by world war 1. Corporations also outsource labor to third and second world countries such as china and india because of the over saturated labor pool and the low amount of wealth. the corporations effectively hold a monopoly on labor in these countries meaning they can pay workers as little as legally possible which they do. ( ) Workers in bejing make on average 1400 RMB (228 USD) per month. ( ) The minimum hourly wage in china is $0.80 USD and $0.28 in india. Compared to the US which is $7.25 USD per hour. Immigration benefits politicians, especially democrats and RINOs (republicans in name only) in the US because of voter loyalty to the party no matter what. This is because democrats promise benefits to immigrants such as welfare and amnesty. Democrats are only in favor of immigration because it will keep them in power and the RINOs are only there to keep this system and promise tax cuts but only for the mega-rich. They are both pro-zionist because of archaic cold war and world war 2 ties and and pro-saudi because of their intrests in foriegn oil rather than domestic oil. despite alaska having more oil than all of north america. Not to mention the us paying buyers to take oil durring the peak of the over hydped corona virus pandemic. If you stop immigration and bring back jobs from overseas then it will create the incentive for native born citizens to have families which expands the labor pool naturally rather than having to rely on immigrants and cheap overseas manufacturing. but the corporations don't want to risk that because any loss of profit or drop in the gdp is the end of the world to them.

@lolis: nice bait lolicon :^o
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Tomte: Yeah you are right, fewer jobs and opportunities to create families for our children when foreigners come and snatch easy work. Lowering our birth rates and increasing the birth rates of immigrants. Has happened in the US for some time which is why you're soon a minority.
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Tomte: I don't necessarily care about this, if the foreigners who come and supplant us are highly intelligent. But they're not. When they breed us out our innovation, wealth and way of life is going to disappear and we'll turn into Iraq, Kenya and Bolivia. If you don't want to live in such countries today you shouldn't want to live in such countries in 2 decades.
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Exode_On_Mouse: can someone do me a favor and write a TL;DR


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AliceKuch: its perfect you are unbelievable maka *-*
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Tomte: My phone is better.
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Maka: Thanks, Alice! ♥ Your art is absolutely stunning, so that compliment means a lot!
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AliceKuch: i m glad YOU like them *-* *-* love *-* *-*
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