
943529: vera

vera // 116x99 // 10.5KB
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88888888ei8ht8: cute af!


 // 787x894 // 200.6KB
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88888888ei8ht8: ♥!!


 // 273x244 // 87.2KB
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88888888ei8ht8: wooow
so pretty... *o*


 // 451x717 // 62.5KB
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S83: Love that Classic Bepsi Flavour! ;D


 // 450x604 // 85.1KB
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S83: Make haste Korgoth, the Golden Goblin awaits, . . and my rent is nearly due


 // 400x206 // 18.8KB
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Grand_Dad: But she is good at sudoku.

942079: D.

D. // 164x176 // 28.9KB
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Skatt: Holy crap, she's like an alien or angel or... something powerful (?


 // 489x540 // 325.9KB
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loopv: god tier art
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Dali: what an unfortunate abundance of skill
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Monito: Masterpiece.
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That_Guy: It that a dick made out of multiple dicks?
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skadaddle: amazing
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88888888ei8ht8: waifu material
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domu: california final boss
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Grand_Dad: I'll admit.
That anus scares me.
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Mona_From_Nanalan: unironically hotter than any of jessebelle's hentai art
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Skatt: oh my god what is that?!??!

941945: Pride gay pride_month

Pride gay pride_month // 235x168 // 11.6KB
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quintadecima: It must be so difficult being you. A scared little boy so frightened of the mentioning that LGBT people exist, and even more afraid of the irrational scenario that they're forcing people to do things.
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skadaddle: who said lgbt's didnt exist? Every corporation, conglomerate, news station, social media, western government, and rich white suburban person support you and the lgbt movement, not to mention you're probably 'latinx' or whatever, so you're even more of a protected group by the neoliberal establishment. but hey, lgbt's and their supporters aren't forcing anyone to be apart of their intersectionalist movement or be branded homophobic or whatever.
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quintadecima: @skadaddle: The person who said LGBT people didn't exist was exactly no one. I was stating that the mentioning or reminder that they exist must ire you. That you spend the rest of the year putting their existence out of your mind up until June when it's all "in your face". Did you ever consider maybe turning off the TV or not visiting some sites? And bravo on you for showing how ignorant and assuming you are with the statement saying all those organizations support me. You assumed I was LGBT. Do you think all the people that support LGBT people are exclusively LGBT? I assure you they are not. And the wild assumptions just keep on piling with your following assumption that I am Latin American in my ethnicity. Where did that even come from? With all those wild assumptions you've just made it's safe to make a safe assumption that everything else you say, think, and believe about the LGBT community is your wildest of assumptions and nothing more than a cry to everyone who just happens to be unfortunate to pick up on it that you're a scared little boy of the boogeyman that's not just of your creation, but the creation of thousands of other scared little boys and girls. And with all of you being so afraid is just part of the machination of powerful people like churches with their brood of extremists and other powerful organizations to make the LGBT as the bad guys when really it's you. You think the big bad LGBT boogeyman with their boogeyminions is going to come and get you, but you probably never even met and spoke to someone who is LGBT and just got to know them. You're so scared that they're going to go around and label people as being homophobic for the smallest things, but I can tell you it's stuff like this gallery submission of yours that will do it. And it actually is homophobic.
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S83: I dig the political-type art style of it. While skadaddle is perhaps uncharismatic, and that's correct; no-one said LGBTs didn't exist, but quintadecimas' first comment was a bit rude for just replying to some politcal art. You disagree with it, and call him, "a scared little boy", I mean honestly.

I'm all for LGBT, but I don't get this lmnop binary fluid+ stuff; you can be a girl one minute and a guy the next? or niether? and what?, you all want to use w/e bathroom you want as well?

I can see skadaddles side, it's progressed from politcally correct, non-binary/fluid+stuff, the adpocalype of youtube and you see how twitch is with banhammering thier streamers, BLM, Removing Aunt Jemima Syrup, Juneteenth a national holiday. The regime is fear of anything edgy, and pandering to liberal ways, Aunt Jemima never hurt anyone yo! D':
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skadaddle: @quintadecima: yet another emily acab who virtue signals about lgbt issues. btw i only said you were hispanic because of your username. anyways I have no social media accounts other than twitter, youtuber, instagram, and ifunny. also i dont use paid streaming services like netflix or hulu. from what ive seen ive met a number of people that have called themselves gay, bi, or any of the other made up genders and they are some of the most obnoxious people i have ever dealt with. they will try to get you fired from your job just for saying you dislike them. I dont have to like or support lgbt's or blm ot any other movement and if you dont like it then go away. I've seen it happen to countless people after they have voiced their opinions, only to be labled homophobic, racist, anti-semitic, islamaphobic wtc and be banned from payment processors, blacklisted, and stuck doing under the table work. so please, do not tell me lgbt people are 'not all like that'. wow a gay person that isnt out to get others? holy shit lets worship them omg uh based gaeys?????
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quintadecima: @skadaddle: So you say you don't use social media but then go on to list 4 that you use and 3 are of the biggest social networks out there. I'd say that's a good chunk of all the social networks out there with large user bases. So of course you're going to see pride stuff. Again. Just log off for a month if it all bothers you so much. And were these LGBT people you speak of and claim to have encountered in person, online, on some video that you watched, or a post you read? And did you perceive them as obnoxious from them just mentioning what they were and that just really fueled your hate fire, or were they obnoxious in an actual reasonable sense? Like talking too loud, not knowing when to stop talking, rude, or just any other number of actual things to consider someone obnoxious? And I keep getting a lot of "They will do this" "They will do that." I don't know how you think the job world works, but people don't get fired just because they don't like someone the minute it reaches management. They'd have to be acting in a way that would be considered harassment, creating a hostile work environment, or pose a big problem/threaten the image of the people they work for. Just like those people who were recorded on camera as being racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, or any other undesirable kind of person. A lot more has to happen for what you claim occurs. Not to mention people try to get other people fired all the time for many other reasons even before LGBT became as big as it is now. So yeah. Not all LGBT are as you claim them to be and whatever else you've yet to claim them to be. You say you've seen countless people face consequences for voicing their opinions, yet I see you produce no examples. Just going off of feeling, are we? Such an easy typical route. And here's another thing to think about. You get away with saying all this on a small site like this because the people who do know you have no idea what you are and where you go. And you probably use an alias/online handle to hide yourself on Youtube, Twitter, or Instagram. If they did know, you'd surely face the consequences. The same thing would happen if you said and did these things in real space, but you can't. Your left to hide on the net because you know what will happen if you voice your hate. They'd either try and tell you how wrong you've got it and once they see just how bigoted you are and how futile it is to see the error of your ways they'll give up, cut you off, and leave you. Or they'll just leave you entirely. You'll run out of people to call friends or family. For any that do stick around the only thing that you'll have is your common hatred. And that hate will just eat away at you. You won't just be afraid of the LGBT boogeymen you've conjured in your mind, but you'll also be alone. Afraid, angry, and alone. The triple-A.
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mkultra: wtf
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Random3: when the when drama

860744: tagme

tagme // 273x287 // 95.9KB
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Grand_Dad: Ah, the beauty of Mother Nature...
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S83: Truely majestic ;')
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