1049457: ImaMinor:3
showing 10 of 15 comments
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sofialala: E-daters shoud die ecspecially minor u literly has so much bfs or sugar daddys and bitch u should stop saying ur 12 like broo ur not ur just a attention seecker
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PartyCat: @sofialala: tf you mean ? you're saying that when you pretended to have a bf when it was a pic of a random ah dude on Pinterest+ you faked a minor acc and you're trying to spread false rumors when you are the one in the wrong,kindly grow up and stop this is getting annoying
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ImAMinor:3: @sofialala: Excuse me madam, i think u should know that love before marriage is literally HARAM in my religion *crying
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Chahinak: I think we should all take a break and mind our own business for now. There’s no point on continuing going back and forth on arguing because the problem just becomes bigger and bigger.
1049825: somesoul
1049801: Joycon
1049739: Gift Joycon fanart kingjayman333
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kingjayman333: tsym ily
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PurpleProtogensGalore: just tell them
981022: comic
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PurpleProtogensGalore: lol they hid the cloning machine
981327: thiccat
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PurpleProtogensGalore: is this adventure time
1049684: cat10