

 // 165x258 // 12.1KB
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-Cat10_: She sit so pretty


 // 319x367 // 13.5KB
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Chahinak: Hey guys, Chahi here. I would like to say I will only be online at night now (8:30-2:00) due to my phone being hidden away. I secretly use my art tablet. You all may know me for being silly or doing the most idiot things. But yesterday the "Doing the most idiotic things" went too far.
Context: Yesterday after being on coolkidsspot, I went to go to bed. But I was hungry. Reminder I have a 12 and 3-4 year old sisters in my house. I warmed up a corn dog but instead of doing 1 minute, I did 3:00. My mother was upstairs putting clothes away and I didn't know. After a bit my 12 year old sister yelled out "THERE'S SMOKE!" and I immediately ran to the microwave to see the corn dog burning up with smoke. My mother ran downstairs to see and after opening the microwave she fumed up. She took the corndog out and yelled at me, hitting my arm 3 times. She said and I quote "This is one way you could've KILLED US!" I was scared. I didn't mean to. She called me selfish and that I should've cared more. But I did. Last night I cried myself to bed. Reminder I've been through so much before this. Anxiety, Depression, Behavior Health Hospital, etc. I had to be on medication. I still am. I knew what I did was wrong, and I can't do anything about it. I may seem like I'm a bad person right now, but I deeply care for people and I don't want to lose them like the others I have lost. I care for you all. You all inspire me and make my day. I live seeing your arts, fanarts, and getting along. I'm sorry I was so stupid to not see that. I could've died. But, I'm thankful I didn't. Please, pay attention to what you do. Don't get distracted. Don't be like me. Thank you for all being there for me. For now, farewell. -Chainak
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Chahinak: Typo: I love seeing your arts, fanarts, and getting along*
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PartyCat: @Chahinak: Aww :( i hope everything will be okay for ya,i'll send ya some messages in Messenger to let ya know about stuff that happened or anything, love ya bestie :'3
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-Cat10_: We'll always be here for you, stay safe you wonderful person ❤❤

1053503: -Cat10_ =Cassie= •Vio•

-Cat10_ =Cassie= •Vio• // 278x418 // 56.9KB
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PartyCat: Champion Vio and a smol sketch of champion cassie,i thought a visor would fit her

1053213: DAY99 timewstr

DAY99 timewstr // 497x645 // 134.5KB
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Chahinak: Infected Aamon..
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PartyCat: YO
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timewstr: “I always come back” ahh☠️☠️/j
but seriously HOLY SHIT this is good!! I love how you draw the infected!!❤️❤️
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ImAMinor:3: AWH SHI-
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ImAMinor:3: Hey-- chahi- Ima gone from fm for a bit while. I'm sorry if I can't draw the poster when u finish Idk when u will but YE- (butiwilltrytoifican)
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1053492: Tomura

Tomura // 503x683 // 144.1KB
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PartyCat: doodles with a fellow pookie(Tomura)/Platonic


 // 185x173 // 26.9KB
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Tomura: Baguette
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PartyCat: @Tomura: Teto Teto DRIIILLLLLLLLLLL( Miku Miku beam synthV teto edition/j)


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lunarbullet: very cute
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lunarbullet: touhou right?


 // 332x293 // 13.7KB
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Myartz: Soo cute:3

1053231: Apologizing

Apologizing // 890x397 // 154.5KB
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Vin_here: I will gotta rest for 1week from this flockmod and the gallery one pls forgive me
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joycon: a break will be good. I appreciate the apology and confession and I know you will do better in the future,… after your break, let’s be good friends again
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Chahinak: It's alright Vin. It's understandable. I rest will be great for you. Be safe. :Heart emoji:
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yepppieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: cool art


 // 318x271 // 81.7KB
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timewstr: DAVE……
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