

 // 172x177 // 34.1KB
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cinderblaze380: Ooh, best dragon ever. The lighting/shading is awesome! I wish I could draw like this!
- Reply
BloodStalker: Thank you :P It's just a simple dragon I randomly drew. For the shading, I used blend modes with low alpha and repeated strokes :)
Thanks for commenting.
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BarackObama: This is one Pretty piece of art!
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cinderblaze380: @BloodStalker: Oh, nice! Did you use Black or dark purple? Because when I use black on very low alpha to shade, it often makes the creature look dirty. Maybe the dragon doesn't look dirty because Dragons don't have fur, and scales don't generally look dirty, so my brain doesn't make the same connection? Hm, weird... Awesome! :D For a random simply drawn dragon, it's epic.
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BloodStalker: I used purple with medium brightness.
I forgot to add the scale details xD so it may look more clean and smooth than it should.

Tip: never use black for shadows, always a complementary color.


 // 900x540 // 62.2KB
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Beth568: ....

120791: Fool calmdown emo fag fun furry gay joke life midmud notserious pawprint punk real

Fool calmdown emo fag fun furry gay joke life midmud notserious pawprint punk real // 264x287 // 17.6KB
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BarackObama: mi
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BarackObama: dmud


 // 900x540 // 101.0KB
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BarackObama: its made by me

119804: America Flag Gaza Islam Mosque Palestine Peace Syria call killing minaret muezzin murdering please salam stop text the

America Flag Gaza Islam Mosque Palestine Peace Syria call killing minaret muezzin murdering please salam stop text the // 486x475 // 39.6KB
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BarackObama: Salam


 // 181x269 // 3.7KB
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Beth568: Awesome.


 // 294x409 // 33.4KB
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BarackObama: mine

119102: Captain_Toad King_DeDeDe Trollette

Captain_Toad King_DeDeDe Trollette // 392x424 // 67.3KB
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Trollette: my eyes hurt from just drawing this ;_;


 // 900x540 // 64.6KB
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3: why cannot I get in Flockmod? I has been many hours aleady

119023: Captain_Toad King_DeDeDe Trollette unfinished

Captain_Toad King_DeDeDe Trollette unfinished // 392x424 // 48.0KB
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Captain_Toad: this isn't even finished o3o3
- Reply
Trollette: @Captain_Toad: o3o
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