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_LOL_attack_: awesome
183250: Daredevil(AFK)
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_LOL_attack_: love
showing 10 of 14 comments
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Aegir: A terrible drawing I must say except the tower in the left corner, you should have kept it's perspective.
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Aegir: Because it's what I'm best at, this drawing has received a lot of praise, 9 likes. Probably liked by the same people who drew it, people must be critical of their own work or they will never improve. If I would just have said that it's a terrible drawing without mentioning that the perspective is off, you would have a right to be upset. Google "two point perspective", "rule of thirds", "Aerial perspective". The main reason serious students of the arts go to school is for the critiques they receive from their superiors, I just gave you advice free of charge, advice that otherwise you would only get at a 300 dollar course, you're welcome.
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Rest_Bluejay: @Toxicbeat: *walks on by* oh hey TOXI how you doing TOXI you look great today TOXI
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Rest_Bluejay: @Aegir: Just because they fucked up a little bit doesn't mean the whole thing sucks, I mean its pretty gr8 looking. I can look past the fact the perspective is a bit off. Also you don't have to be such a dick about a minor mistake.
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Rest_Bluejay: @Rest_Bluejay: hell, maybe it wasn't even a mistake maybe they just wanted to give it a trippy perspective to screw around with your brain or something.
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alicornbrodie: Woo! :D
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kawaiibutthole: This was in Nlobby,right?
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mlg_noscoper: OH YEH ULTIMEIT COR3