
225336: Loopv

Loopv // 358x315 // 28.6KB
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cap_tan: by name/loopv btw
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Tomte: Yeah it's not as funny as the other pictures in your gallery.
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cap_tan: its not supposed to be funny, its sexy. And I didnt draw it i jsut wanted to upload it
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King_DeDeDe: @cap_tan: What he was trying to say was that your drawings are hilariously bad.


 // 544x540 // 48.0KB
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Tomte: This is my favorite cap, lmao you look disappointed. xD
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cap_tan: well i didnt draw the big guy... fak i cant remember the name of the artist, sorry artist

but it is a look of submission
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Tomte: Do you know what the big guy will be doing to you later cap_tan. Like what are his intentions before the night is over? I have absolutely not idea but it would be interesting to know.
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cap_tan: idk but the artist kept asking me to send him my facebook, email, all that stuff.


 // 900x540 // 22.8KB
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garfeldthecat: aw sad kitty


 // 898x539 // 188.9KB
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Tomte: This is just, I don't even...most powerful piece of art I have seen in recent memory on this site. Not even a mighty beast such as him can fight the tide, powerful...
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torrelatinio: @Tomte: Blub blub blub. Rip.


 // 900x540 // 115.1KB
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torrelatinio: что это значит?


 // 237x224 // 45.2KB
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Tomte: There's some truth to this, we're all quite insignificant. But we fool ourselves into believing we matter, wouldn't it be a great relief to stop being such fools.


 // 900x540 // 86.9KB
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Slilk: Sins for all goatmum luvrz... poor toriel...


 // 413x360 // 84.1KB
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_Infinitythewolfie_: eeee! Thank you!!


 // 50x50 // 727
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torrelatinio: They keep getting smaller...
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Myth: lol shh


 // 900x540 // 21.4KB
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garfeldthecat: u should colar it +1
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King_DeDeDe: @garfeldthecat: *color
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torrelatinio: @King_DeDeDe: @catsrcool: *Colour
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