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Wolfs_Game: Only dagger and amulet are by me.
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Wolfs_Game: yush.
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alicornbrodie: I'm looking at this on a 3DS XD
228739: Tharn
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Tomte: To whoever drew this, I have got a questions. Would you still wish this upon her if you had talked to her for let's say 30 seconds?
There are two types of perverts, genuine perverts who can spend hours conversing with any person of any gender and then enjoy watching them be humiliated or tortured. These are mentally ill people and you can often tell just by looking at them, some of them are slightly psychopathic and or hardcore sadists. Then there are people who simply fail to realize that they're dealing with people, you objectify them, they are just this thing that will always be out of you reach. My second question is, are you a psychopath/sadist or just a fat lonely slug?
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Tomte: Oh and if you recognize yourself to be a fat lonely slug or a psychopath are you going to do something about it?
Because I'm telling you, if you keep on pursuing what you're pursuing you'll definitely hurt yourself and may end up hurting others.
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Chamber: @Tomte: who even are you lmao? You 'do' realise that this is just a drawing, right? A fictional character in a fictional setting. It has nothing to do with real life.
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Tomte: Everything people draw has something to do with their real life. All the little girls draw kittens because they love their pet cat or want a little pet cat. All the boys draw penises because they think of their penis, all the older girls draw little cute manga boys and girls because they are in the cuteness phase, the pony men draw ponies because they want to become babies again. Tomte draws gods and godesses because he admires strength and health. Satan draws landscapse because he wants nature, the thugs draw grafitti, often their own name on walls because they want to be noticed. OBVIOUSLY