

 // 900x540 // 42.3KB
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fox18974: for someone ;0
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fox18974: ik its shitty


 // 900x540 // 14.2KB
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deathwar: it hot :^)


 // 447x497 // 7.2KB
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Trust: Alright, now you listen here kiddo, get your wuss OC and quit flock mod and find something else you can excel in because I am sick and tired of seeing your poopy ass OCs with your poopy ass made up relevant maymays and bottomtale poop on my shit feed, understood?
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rainy_days: @Trust: oh you think youre hot shit there? learn how to draw limbs then you can judge , let the kid do whatever he wants.
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Trust: @rainy_days: it's hard drawing intricate details with a mouse, and i don't like to draw plain arms without any detail. now you on the other hand can take that sand outta there because i was obviously just passing time.
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Escargon: @Trust, It is possible to draw intricate details with a mouse. It's just harder to do so on FlockMod due to the nature of the application.


 // 253x304 // 115.7KB
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BluBerry: OMG xD Donald Trump lol
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Xx_Domino_xX: why


 // 192x135 // 14.4KB
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BluBerry: Awesome!!!!


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Fallicety_the_fox: yay!


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Artwolf12098: xDDDD


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mainecoon97: delete this shitty picture it has no meaning
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Artwolf12098: xDD she will never do that


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GirbakesWAFFLES: what the fudge is this azzhat crap
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Artwolf12098: AAwesome dared jd xDDDDDDDD

386058: Aquaria_Berrii

Aquaria_Berrii // 469x353 // 45.3KB
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Cinderivy: ok
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