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EtherealLunala: oh
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EtherealLunala: iminschoolrnifurwondering
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VilliansKnowBest: guess who !!
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EtherealLunala: uncut unedited
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VilliansKnowBest: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnyess
showing 10 of 16 comments
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Tomte: Did you mean to use this ; and not this : ?? The first one is used in a sentence the one you used is meant for lists, you don't know english grammar nor a second language.
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Morphine: "Use a colon to introduce an item or a series of items."
An item/term is included in this, so Loopv was right. You can't teach him what you couldn't even teach yourself (or be bothered to google) http://blogoscoped.com/files/google-and-emotionml.png Not to mention what google used on its UI for a while.. Did you mean: Is it too late to say I'm sorry?
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Tomte: Google isn't using it in a sentence, what do you think ; is for?
In order to bake the cake you need; flour, 2 eggs, yeast and milk. This is how you write properly of something that's in an actual sentence. Then you've got lists or very short phrases. Here is what you need: •2 eggs •Flour •Milk •Yeast Loopv isn't google, he's writing sentences not designing a search engine. Keep giggling nervously, it's nödvändigt.
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Morphine: The example you gave would still use a colon.
"You may be required to bring many things: sleeping bags, pans, utensils, and warm clothing. I want the following items: butter, sugar, and flour." http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/colons.asp "Rule 1a. Use a colon to introduce an item or a series of items. Do not capitalize the first item after the colon (unless it's a proper noun)." Please, read this to help your knowledge. You would use a colon in both instances that you listed above. On an essay, most will not use bullet points. "When a semicolon is used to join two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence, those ideas are then given equal position or rank. " In lists with internal commas The semicolon can also be used in lists with internal commas. In this usage, the semicolon acts as a sort of super-comma. The new store will have groceries on the lower level; luggage, housewares, and electronics on the ground floor; men’s and women’s clothing on the second floor; and books, music, and stationery on the third floor. This is NOT a list, this is saying where things are and they are all fairly related as they are all talking about where things are in a store/mall. A colon is used to introduce an item. PLEASE learn English before you try to educate me on it. This isn't even your first language yet you are trying to act like it is. How stupid! Read here, because you are wrong. The examples you have given BOTH would use colons. What Loopv wrote WOULD use a colon. The only case it would use a semi-colon is with lists of internal commas, which is the list of the several stores on different floor example I gave you.
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Morphine: http://i.imgur.com/rIRUnP3.png
This is STILL a list, even if it is including commas. A list does not 100% always have to use bullet points. "I need to get eggs, butter, and milk at the store today." This is still listing but in a different way. You do not need bullet points in order to list items. The example you gave WOULD use colons even when using the commas. |
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alexwong0905: oko why dun you save your own here haha
Is it a lion or a panther?
Maybe because they have different behaviours and actually look different? Yes every human on the planet right now can breed with each other, but they just like lions, tigers and panthers have different behaviours. It's not a coincidence that Japan and Europe are advanced places while Africa and South America are comparatively ignorant and poor.
We don't need diversity when it's at the expense of the wealth, culture and prosperity of our society. If you feel guilty when some person you've never met commits a crime or fails at his tests in school, you're truly a, wait for it....cuck and or mentally ill.
You pay for college and health while we get it free at international quality; and people come here to get both (from europe, USA and asian countries). So I just have ponder what is it that you consider prosperity.
If you are so eager to discuss about it, I'll gladly cite you to a private room to have a friendly talk, not like the one you will find in this gallery.
If on the other side you prefer to stick to stereotypes and keep calling such statements I'll just have to treat you as a regular internet troll and ignore you. Honestly it's up to you.
Okay then you're a regular troll. Have an awful day, I dont know why I even wasted my time on reasoning with you.
Would Africa be the continent it is today if we replaced all it's citizens with irish people?
Would the middle east be what it is if we replaced all it's citizens with swiss people?
What would Europe and North America look like today if they had taken in no unskilled labor from the southern hemisphere?
There is no holy ground, people determine how prosperous and civilized a society is.
EUROPE in the year 1900:
EUROPE today: