
132164: pizzagal

pizzagal // 268x475 // 40.9KB
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Alien: drawn by pizzagal


 // 322x354 // 171.2KB
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BarackObama: Nice
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Alien: @BarackObama: was drawn by waterdeer
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BarackObama: Oh.. the Gook. I dont like him but this is nice work.

132144: BarackObama Old chinese fisherman

BarackObama Old chinese fisherman // 267x130 // 81.1KB
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BarackObama: Thanks that you saved my picture.


 // 900x540 // 55.6KB
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Alien: lol


 // 900x540 // 301.0KB
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redpurpleblack: Who Can You Trust

wHeN eVeRyTHinGG YoU tOuchH turRNS tO GOLD
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hellothere1: DA FUCK


 // 619x540 // 164.6KB
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xXxTrUtHxXx: SO FAB... MUCH WOW....xD
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Alien: very 70's

131998: Guqin Harmony Instrument Music PAINTING Peace Pine Player Rocks Silence Traditional bamboo beard chinese man seal small writing

Guqin Harmony Instrument Music PAINTING Peace Pine Player Rocks Silence Traditional bamboo beard chinese man seal small writing // 198x174 // 76.4KB
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Alien: nice


 // 900x540 // 283.2KB
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Alien: that looks pretty good


 // 900x540 // 603.2KB
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Alien: how did you get the flares right? please tell me

130951: Altitude PAINTING Pine Shan Traditional chinese chrysamthemum couds flowers high huang mountains orchid rock sky stone tree

Altitude PAINTING Pine Shan Traditional chinese chrysamthemum couds flowers high huang mountains orchid rock sky stone tree // 558x443 // 546.1KB
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Alien: beautiful
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BarackObama: Thanks! :)
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