
Inky: artistic prowess >>>
Inky: the flockanime male protagonist >>>
Inky: finally, colored and uploaded >>>
Inky: iconic alien holographic lighting >>>
Inky: nice form >>>
Inky: looks like it would give a nice crunch >>>
Inky: eww a dog!! *meow* >>>
Inky: yar vs stardust >>>
Inky: showing off for an emo boy >>>
Inky: so anime >>>
Inky: cute >>>
Inky: yummy sauce >>>
Inky: nlobby4 >>>
Inky: mlem >>>
Inky: cutieees >>>
Inky: time to get sober, buddy >>>
Inky: I can already tell that the person who posted this... >>>
Inky: ♥ >>>
Inky: she a princess //>_<// >>>
Inky: *gives lefty head pats* >>>
Inky: she must be sipping on a bo'o'o'wo'a >>>
Inky: her saliva isn't dirty! >>>
Inky: pretty girl >>>
Inky: would be a perfect cutie sticker >>>
Inky: emo >>>
Inky: @[Fall]: *screams* >>>
Inky: fruits yummy in my kitty tummy *meow* >>>
Inky: brandon brootal >>>
Inky: I hope not... >>>
Inky: yup a fantasy-medieval lad. very zelda vibe >>>
Inky: lovely brunette sweetie Meow Meow *Rawr* *purr* *mew*... >>>
Inky: I hope she isn't depicted as an amputee here... >>>
Inky: where are his alien cyborg antlers? ... >_> >>>
Inky: instead make jane thicc >>>
Inky: why jeff tubby >>>
Inky: cutie >>>
Inky: bluey cutie >>>
Inky: @Kelsium: mew >>>
Inky: perhaps you loaded it in and did a little smudgin >_> >>>
Inky: I mean, when you try to comment, it's literally... >>>
Inky: 3d printing a salad >>>
Inky: ♥ >>>
Inky: ♥ >>>
Inky: chad move >>>
Inky: :D >>>
Inky: real >>>
Inky: kewl >>>
Inky: @Prokier: :3 >>>
Inky: good >>>
Inky: bro >>>
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