
FlakeofRust: i learnt how to delete, but i kinda wanna keep this... >>>
FlakeofRust: Yup, i got it all now :D >>>
FlakeofRust: room.board.changeSize(1920,2160);UI.trySync() >>>
FlakeofRust: (console tab) >>>
FlakeofRust: ctrl + shift + C to open inspector, then select browser... >>>
FlakeofRust: @SomeSoul I use the web browser >>>
FlakeofRust: Like in comments here or DMs? thanks sm xD >>>
FlakeofRust: i couldn't get the back to look right so it... >>>
FlakeofRust: i don't know what this means... >>>
FlakeofRust: wow..... Stunning!! >>>
FlakeofRust: his hands are backwards :) >>>
FlakeofRust: the different between the art i save here... lowkey... >>>
FlakeofRust: so pretend it has some deep meaning or sht >>>
FlakeofRust: i saved this by accident and idk how 2 delete / its... >>>
FlakeofRust: made with help from AAOx4!! >>>
FlakeofRust: (saved for reference :) >>>
FlakeofRust: Art by @AAOx4 !! :D (not oc) >>>
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