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Haugkall: Another day at flockmod, absolutely sickening.
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Pocodile: I can actually agree, this is fucking digusting.
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Haugkall: What's most disgusting is the Christian veil and the brown man. The veil and the brown man represents the third world raping the west. And look at the west, he seems so happy while being utterly humiliated and destroyed. Rest assured drawer these fantasies of yours will never come true, because people instinctively realize that your low IQ is no good, right Pocodile?
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Pocodile: I'm mostly disgusted by this is likely rape, and the fact he's being fucked untill he shits himself,
that's just nasty to look at, I don't care who represents what.
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Haugkall: If he was raped he wouldn't be so "happy". No this isn't rape it's a white man enjoying his bondage, ashamed of his whiteness at the hands of brown men. Absolutely disgusting, only thing that might possible top this is if HE was a SHE. We must come to terms with what's going on in the collective subconscious of most of these low IQ scum and reject it.

The poop is disgusting but if it wouldn't be for the surrounding imagery it might as well be chocolate ice cream. No doubt only added to shame the white boy even more. They shove it in our faces and still we fail to see what's truly disgusting about it. Civil people we must learn to stand tall and proud when they attempt to shame us with their rap crap and Islamic verses.

There are few exceptions but even those who seem nice have a sick disdain for that which once we called our culture. In the midst of all the crazy manga cartoons and superhero movies, we must find our roots and dismiss all the bullshit we're fed by these scum. By Odin's beard, by Jesus nightgown, by Apollo's lyre return to hell from whence you came rapping filth!
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Haugkall: Void's even better: