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Tomte: Amputee fetishism has been described as a form of abuse levelled at the relative vulnerability and dependence of disabled women or men.

Apotemnophiles will become prone to extreme levels of depression caused by isolation, confusion and the inability to determine what they're supposed to be like physically and emotionally. Patients with apotemnophilia will feel that they are apart from the norm and will isolate themselves from socializing.

Apotemnophiles will purposely induce infections onto limbs or even harm themselves by going as far as partially sawing off limbs so medical professionals do not have a choice other than to remove the limb.

That you've written "tfw no bf" points towards the fact that either, you want your bf to have no legs and arms so he is forced to depend on you or you want to have no legs or arms so he must care for you. In either case you're no doubt very lonely and the cure for this sickness might be to find yourself a boyfriend.

Maybe you lack a boyfriend because you're not attractive or socially mature enough for such a relationship in which case it's crucial for you to realize that you've got to improve upon yourself.

You're welcome.
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cap_tan: tomte what are your fetishes
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Tomte: I'm not as much into the act as who is endulging in the act. I'm attracted to the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit. Aesthetic harmony and great intellect not humiliation or stupidity.
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cap_tan: so you would do any fetish as long as the other person is like, a good person or w/e?
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Tomte: no
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cap_tan: pr00d
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Pit: Love it ♥♥♥