

 // 900x540 // 260.5KB
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Tactical: this cured my depression

420899: #TakeThatDepression #iAmClever #ohimdepressed

#TakeThatDepression #iAmClever #ohimdepressed // 900x540 // 15.0KB
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GalaxyK01: I am so clever...also hi if this is on my profileee! ;-;
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D: you are so clever man
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LCS: hey dude this is great I love it nice tags bruh boiiiii nlobby4lyfe
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GalaxyK01: Niceu *-*


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Kelsium: ahh so lovely ;w;
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Kelsium: aw yissss


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showing 10 of 19 comments

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cap_tan: here's your comment, which makes it clear that that was now what you thought
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cap_tan: *not
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Tomte: These drawings are as much jokes as you drawing yourself being whipped by a bunny is a joke cap_tan, you people are serious. There are several people on this site that would if they knew they could get away with it, rape little blonde children with bunny ears. But I think I've told you this before, now hop back into your crib diaper boy.
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cap_tan: So you still think a black person drew that? It wasn't.

I still remember you drawing muslims raping and beheading eachother. But if you ran into a clone of yourself on here, you'd end up calling yourself a muslim rapist.

I'm just saying, every time you run so fast, you trip over yourself and become a laughing stock. But you fucking think you're Sonic or something and just keep doing it. Just, you know, calm down and think about things before you make decisions, because you keep making foolish mistakes, and those mistakes hurt the "ubermensch" image you try and put out there, not help it
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Tomte: I drew Muhammed naked in front of his nine year old bride, only because there were preaching muslims in the room at the time. You're trying to brand me a racist, I could care less if the girl is being raped by a white or a brown dick, however she is being raped and I should be able to speak up about that without fearing being called a racist.

When I said this drawing is making me feel racist thousands of muslims had just walked out at new years eve and raped young girls in germany. This is a common practice in the middle east and I have no shame in admitting that at the time I felt a bit racist towards people of middle eastern descent. However I'm not a racist, I think the reason there are no middle eastern or black einsteins is because of their culture and not their skin color.

Until I'm proven wrong I'll just be against rapists and Islam, not peoples skin color. However if it's true that asians and white people are GENETICALLY more intelligent than other ethnicities we would have to select for those traits. There are white people humping ponies and dressing up as squirrels though so I think culture is to blame, not peoples race.
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cap_tan: I'm not branding you as a racist (nothing that I said even hinted or implied racism), I'm branding you as an idiot, and that you still aren't getting that only supports the idea.

RESTATED AGAIN: There are many comments where you seem to not get that something isn't entirely serious. The one I linked is an example, because again, there's no way it was drawn by an actual black person, and so it is not just someone directly drawing their desires. To do so would be to see one of your drawings of a muslim with a child bride and assume that you are a muslim with a child bride, or aspire to become one.

And my suggestion is that you should take longer to think about things before commenting, because you repeatedly make yourself out to be a fool. You can start here, by taking the time to fully understand these comments, which aren't that complicated.
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Tomte: A grown man who wants to be collared like a dog and who wears a diaper is calling me an idiot, because:

•Some guy draws a blonde little girl, possibly child being raped by a brown guy.
•Tomte comments on the drawing pointing out how racist/disgusting the drawing is.
•Diaper boy calls me an idiot because these drawings are funny "jokes".
•Tomte defends his "feeling racist" statment.
•Diaper boy calls Tomte an idiot because the drawing wasn't drawn by a brown person despite the fact that Tomte has already said the it doesn't matter what skin color the person who drew the picture has, it's still a picture of a girl being raped.
•Cap_tan calls Tomte sonic, which is a cartoon for 8 year olds which is apparently all diaper boy is able to refer to when thinking of people going fast.
•Tomte goes back to serious stuff and Diaper boy goes back to asking people to draw themselves poking him with sticks.

Hahah hop back into your cradle dumbass.
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cap_tan: Well that just doesn't hold up to facts, read the actual comment you left. You didnt say "this is racist and disgustign and I am outraged by it", you said "you'll be raping nobody monkey", makes it clear that you thought it was serious. Anyways, we can pretend that is what you said, that it is just an image think is offensive no matter what context it was done it, I still refer you then back to your drawings of muslims with child brides, and all that stuff. Since you weren't there for the drawing of the black guy, you don't know if there was the same "biting witty satire" as there was behind your muslim drawings.
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Tomte: It's ok to have fantasies but to try to actualize them which is what this guy is doing by drawing these pictures is quite disgusting, even if the drawings aren't real he ignores their consent. The girl in the picture would never agree to it, hence why it's rape. Since he has drawn himself fat he should put a person down there that's a good match, something that is as unattractive as himself. To not be aware of where you're at, feel entitled to everything that walks upon earth despite being some guy who draws cartoon porn in their free time makes him in my opinion a very bad person, doesn't matter what skin color he has, this guy is a monkey. I think it's safe to say that by drawing this picture he has proved to everyone that if he could hop into a little universe of his own and have access to all that makes a person happy he would take it all.

Read up on Stoicism:
"The Stoics presented their philosophy as a way of life, and they thought that the best indication of an individual's philosophy was not what a person said but how that person behaved."
"Later Stoics emphasized that, because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage was immune to misfortune. This belief is similar to the meaning of the phrase "stoic calm".

As for your argument that the guy who drew it is a white guy who is attempting to frame a brown guy, I doubt it. When a person wants to illustrate a point to someone else, maybe offend them which is what I did they don't put much effort into their illustrations because they're not drawing it for themselves but for someone else. Any creative person knows that it's not fun to waste a minute on something that you don't enjoy yourself. (Hence why whenever I draw a penis it's not very detailed)

Anyway hop back into your cradle diaper boy.
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ColinComputer: sPoon


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FreshSansy: ew
i drew bad


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FreshSansy: oh
i guess I'm good at things
(totally not)


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LockHeart: top qt
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Pit: Maid! Maid!! Good maid maiding!!

273832: FNAF

FNAF // 373x477 // 37.3KB
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emerald00: hnnnnn so cute
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Pit: @emerald00: Aaaah thank
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emerald00: @Pit: np :3
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bunnelby: why isn't fnaf dead yet
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minucat: cuz sister location doofus
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bunnelby: fnaf is literal cancer
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minucat: your cancer xD
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Pit: @bunnelby: You say this on art posted 6 months ago
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