
649690: CSLA

CSLA // 910x640 // 182.1KB

showing 10 of 13 comments

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Haugkall: That's a nice concept, is it similar to lunch?

Aren't you planning on using the expression Taharrush at any point in your stories Jamila, that would make the stories more believable.
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lolis: @Haugkall, Only you could make a snide comment like that to someone who is creating original artwork and storylines. What do you have to be such a conformist for? Jamila is thinking as an artist and as a writer. Allow her to create without giving her unnecessary criticism. I wish her the best and hope that she never becomes restricted by any social or religious dogmas that would otherwise diminish her creativity. Agree or not, she has what it takes to become an illustrator and a creative writer. She could write children's books and sell them for a lot of money with the right connections. Not many people have that. She, however, unlike most people, is naturally original....refreshing if you ask me. I look forward t reading every new episode.
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Haugkall: It's 2am I woke up and decided to check some comments, excuse me but wtf you talking about? The microwave is on and someone just used the toilet go enjoy yourself.
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lolis: The link you left took me to a bunch of pictures of white women being assaulted by brown men. Why must you constantly revert to these black/white issues, here of all places, when Jamila is expressing something beyond all that? Go chase the shadows that dance on your basement walls, mumrik the troll.
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Tactical: I too look forward to a political satire made for children.
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lolis: Is that what it is? Political satire for children? I wasn't thinking that at all. I was seeing a kind of psychedelic, imaginary world where anything can happen at any time. I see something that is based upon a creative and imaginary thinker (Jamila). But that's one of the great things about GOOD art -people can see different things in it.
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Haugkall: Maybe Jamila isn't aware of the facts, we're a segregated society to the point at which we've got muslim ghettos. If we earn above a certain amount of money we pay a 60% income tax, add the various other expenses to that and what have you got left to grow as a society? We're a big daycare for middle eastern criminals. Sixty percent of our prison population is of a foreign background, despite them being a minority in our country. Most of them don't speak our language, a large portion of our hard earned money is given to these people so they can make babies. Something we don't, we have a declining birth rate, this applies to all of Europe. That's why they're pushing open borders, it's called replacement migration.

Are we really going to see muslims and black rappers maintain western civilization? You'll struggle to find a black or middle eastern nobel prize winner, both Africa and the Middle east are pretty much collapsed societies. We're not having a fika with these people, the only cultural enrichment we've received in recent years from them is taharrush. The term taharrush ("harassment" in Arabic), came to wider attention in 2016 when women in Europe reported having been sexually assaulted by groups of North African men during New Year's Eve celebrations. German police compared the attacks to the mass sexual assaults in Egypt. Most of the attacks took place in Cologne, Germany, where 359 women filed sexual-assault complaints. Women also filed complaints in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart; Salzburg, Austria; Helsinki, Finland; Kalmar and Malmö, Sweden; and Zurich, Switzerland.

The news coverage prompted a leak to a Swedish newspaper that similar attacks had taken place in Stockholm in 2014 and 2015 during We Are Sthlm, a music festival for teenagers. The attacks were not publicized at the time for fear of stirring up racism. This happens every day in Europe, if it's not some truck attack, it's some child or young girl being gang raped or abused. Unfortunately it also turns out most muslims have a history of marrying their cousins, so they're literally inbred.

Are you suggesting we're going to be able to live in peace with homophobic, illiterate, inbred idiots many of whom love to abuse and rape young white girls. Not only white girls, they're abusing muslim women too, have you been abused Jamila?

I agree with Tactical, if you want to create political satire for children, at least have it reflect reality or maybe you could present the children with a nice vision of the future. Like the moomins they're nice, stop this gross propaganda. We'll have none of it no matter how much you force it down our throats, rapping scum should go to hell not be glorified in fiction!
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cntrct: @Haugkall:
Can you please cease to be so obsessed with little girls and being so sexist? Mudslimes molest and rape little bois just as much.

Also why are you still at home fretting your fingers, by typing boring text-walls no one cares about, instead of joining some neo-nazi organisation and actively doing something against the white culture decay? No need to answer, I know you're just a little special snowflake pussy that can only whine about little girls who btw. would rather have Ali and Tungu gangbang them in all their holes than having you as bf or father (which btw. seems to go for all the girls of all ages - you spending so much time with little girls half your age on FM and writing novels in the comments section about moslems getting sum pussy being proof of it).
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Haugkall: Thanks for proving my point with your gallery scum. I don't obsess about anything, I keep all rappers, pedophiles and criminals at a comfortable distance in real life. I want nothing to do with them, but unfortunately they're not as easy to avoid on the internet. If I had a choice I would ignore them, but they seem to be everywhere, even on some obscure drawing site on the internet. Your gallery seems to suggest you're the kind of person I'm talking about.

Why would you be drawing this stuff if you weren't attracted to children freak, accusing me of what you're guilty of, sickening. I barely chat to anyone and when I do it's usually an argument about their nasty drawings or a comment towards a nicely drawn drawing. I'll happily be called a nazi by scum that draws stuff like this, means I'm with the good guys.

You keep on rapping, the moment you try to force yourself on some little child in real life I sincerely hope there's someone there to stomp your balls to a pulp.
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cntrct: > If I had a choice
you had it, but thanks for replying and checking out my gallery anyway :^)

>Why would you be drawing this stuff if you...
nigga im only drawing representations of what you might call children, i don't care about any group of real human beings in an obsessive way based on sex or age characteristics outside of my canvas. You on the other hand seem to care about this certain group of people (girls - little - white) way too much to be considered healthy. So I'd say you're more likely to eventually assault a real girl or woman or a weak looking moslem than I am.

Also im not clicking your links. If you want to bring some sort of information to my attention i rely on your 'outstanding writing skills' and 'cognitive abilities' to do the summarizing and emphasizing of relevant parts.


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PUZBUDDY: accurate

650190: for_dicktopia

for_dicktopia // 910x640 // 55.4KB
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Sinnergirl: setting this as my homepage C;; also this is dicktopia 'W'
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no_name: XD
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no_name: c: hi sinnergirl (dicktopia)

650032: FabulousNinji Kenasan StringsOfDarkness smolfam

FabulousNinji Kenasan StringsOfDarkness smolfam // 156x128 // 11.0KB
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StringsOfDarkness: shouldve tagged butterfly
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Kenasan: ahh tru
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StringsOfDarkness: xd

650199: Kenasan StringsOfDarkness Undertale UndertaleAU

Kenasan StringsOfDarkness Undertale UndertaleAU // 130x94 // 7.3KB
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Kenasan: *hacks into picture and tags herself*
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StringsOfDarkness: lol

650128: Kenasan StringsOfDarkness gay gore

Kenasan StringsOfDarkness gay gore // 264x125 // 10.9KB
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Kenasan: *hacks into second picture and tags self*

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StringsOfDarkness: lol

643816: Can't Tfw Your draw fursona

Can't Tfw Your draw fursona // 513x470 // 11.3KB
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pinkplayer7: ok i lied fondant can draw


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minucat: -HISTORY-
When Ballisto got older, she had to do slavery due to being a peasant. She murdered the person who enslaved her, and escaped. When she was a adult, she escaped from Greece and went to America by boat. Having a couple Drachmas. By then, she was called a devil due to her deeds. She lived with other native Americans. Until someone from Mexico banished her to Greece again. She was arrested for murder when she was younger. (back to the slavery part). When she was released, the Gods banished her to hell. Now, most people from Athens and all over Greece thought she was a devil. She was known for her bad deeds. Even today, she was known as the devil. Though, her identity when she was young was mysterious. No one knew what she did, nor how she lived. ~~END~~ *Please note that this is fictional. this might've not happened in Greece in any other form.


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Vree: I love it!


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