

 // 222x555 // 153.1KB
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loopv: <3

788270: tagme

tagme // 221x276 // 35.6KB
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dearsupichu: oh uwu!! i made this im glad you liked it!


 // 196x215 // 15.3KB
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YinSaku: Awesome grey-scales!~

788260: Animation

Animation // 303x213 // 80.9KB
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Colorful_Wolves: nice


 // 247x277 // 27.2KB
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loopv: noice
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YinSaku: my heart uwu


 // 342x389 // 81.2KB
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Cyberbot: necc

785110: whiteboard

whiteboard // 873x640 // 23.8KB

showing 10 of 30 comments

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Cyberbot: @lolis: Some of mine were deleted. which I don't care about since I couldn't care less about this site. For once I'm only gonna say this. Professional needs to calm down. It's their website, you have the right to criticize but just to see how this argument is going as a whole. To be fully honest, Professional you look more handicapped than the admins due to the fact you're giving a shit about a website that has no relevance to your existence. I recommend to not proceed any further into it, as that you are making yourself look like more of a retard than an intelligent human being.
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Th33Prof33ssional: @Cyberbot: give me a break little guy, i'm only complaining about this because i know it affected quite a few people negatively and i think i'm right to expect the admins of this site to be competent and able to retrieve all gallery images; besides do you remember that time when everyone rightfully took turns to piss on your arrogant head because you annoyed them all by being a self-righteous dicktard who publicly whined about how people on the internet are mean to you? since you've earned a reputation as a fucking crybaby i don't think you're in a position to complain about the criticism i have to give to this site, you can drop the big words and head back to r/iamverysmart you insolent nimrod
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LCS: is this the long awaited return of Cyberbot?
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lolis: Yeah, I guess some of mine are gone, too....but oh well I'll just make more.

This site is great. It's free.
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auto: We had to reupload 26,000 pictures as unregistered (aka Not Logged in). So maybe some of your missing pictures are still somewhere in the gallery.
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Cyberbot: @Th33Prof33ssional: I don't know which part of "It was in the past" didn't get into your head. Like I said calm down, you just started freaking out because I insulted you. Also you never put up a good argument. The only things you say to insult people are just racial remarks or some pedophile insults. Half the time the people you insult are like 16. Hell you called me a pedophile even though I was at the age of 13-14. The thing is, you don't know the person, you just automatically assume things and think you're right when really you're just making yourself look like an idiot to the people who actually know the person.

Some other stuff I have to say is. Once again it's in the past I'm no longer like that, I never stated I was smart nor did I say "big words". Plus you can't just call me and insolent nimrod when throughout the whole argument it appeared that you were trying to look smart. Being a hypocrite I see?. Just before you say you weren't also being a smartass lemme just repost all the "smart" things you said with such "big" words

" except anything from may onwards"

"what's it like to live with such severe aspergers"

"you incompetent fucks are better off watching cartoons than being webmasters so you might as well leave the hard job to someone experienced like me"
(press x to doubt)

I like how you even state that you call yourself a webmaster and you can everything better than the creators of the website. Yet you call me a smartass.
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LCS: good to see the gallery back for its true purpose
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Cyberbot: @LCS: That's something that really shouldn't be a good thing.
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torrelatinio: @Cyberbot: then why are you contributing to it?
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Cyberbot: @torrelatinio: good question


 // 186x351 // 20.1KB
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ritualz: nice, my hand made it into the screenshot :)


 // 94x104 // 18.3KB
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YinSaku: Super pretty!


 // 242x348 // 39.6KB
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Graffiti: cute
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